Chapter 6

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Your POV

We arrived at my dad's house, but I stopped in front of the door. Am I even ready to face him? Will he hate me for leaving him behind? I took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. I turned around and told the girls to wait here. The door opened and I saw my dad for the first time in a while. He did a double-take to really make sure it was me

Dad: Y/N? My little queen?

I nervously smiled and waved

Me: Hey Dad

He immediately engulfed me into a hug. I hugged him back and buried my face into his shoulder

Me: I missed you so much Dad. I'm sorry for leaving back then, but it's not like I had a choice

He pulled away and stared into my E/C eyes

Dad: Little queen, I'm not mad at all. I'm just happy you came back. But I have a hunch it's not on good terms

I sighed

Me: You're right, but can I come in?

Dad nodded and opened the door wider so that I can come in. I walked in and sat on the heart shaped couch. He sat next to me. There's so much we need to talk about, but we have so little time

Dad: So I heard you've got you're own apartment?

I laughed

Me: Yeah. Me and Carlos are living there together

Dad: Carlos De Vil? As in the boy you've always had a big crush on?

I blushed embarrassed

Me: Dad!

Now it was his turn to laugh

Dad: And you dyed your hair orange, why's that?

Me: I guess for a little change. I am 17 after all. Plus I thought it'd look good on me

Dad: My little queen is all grown up.

Dad said getting tears in his eyes. I rolled my eyes

Me: Oh stop! You're gonna make me cry next

We laughed then it got silent. I sighed. It's time to tell him why I'm really here

Me: I need the staff Dad. Auradon's in danger. And the only way to stop it is if I have the ember and your staff. Me, Mal, and Celia already have the ember. But if I don't get that staff, it's all over. I'll lose everything. My friends... they're like family to me Dad. I can't lose them. I just can't

My Dad nodded, understanding

Dad: Okay Y/N. I'll give it to you

He stood up and grabbed the staff and handed it to me

Dad: Here you go little queen. Take care of it

 Take care of it

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