Chapter 2

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Your POV

Me and Mal were looking at the ocean trying to find a certain tentacle wielding villain with seafoam-green hair but we couldn't see her anywhere. I decided to take a break for a little while so I walked back into the castle. As I walked in I saw Ben walking towards me. I gave him a smile.

Me: She's on the balcony

Ben smiled and walked towards her. I walked away to find Carlos so I can give them some privacy. I found him sitting in the living room reading a book. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. He closed the book and smiled at me

Carlos: Hey

Me: Hi

He stood up and grabbed my hands

Carlos: Anything?

Me: Not a tentacle in sight

Carlos: I think if Uma was up to something, we'd know by now

Me: No Carlos. I know how villains think. And me and Mal don't trust Uma. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then, that's when she's gonna strike. I really wish I had time to go do the dragon flyover because I can go so much higher

Carlos: Well, you can't be everywhere at once. Besides, me and Ben got your's and Mal's back

Me: He's getting more guards?

He smiled and kissed me quickly

Carlos: He's getting more guards. Now breathe

I did a deep inhale and a sharp exhale and I instantly felt better. I smiled and grabbed his hand

Me: Come on. We have to get ready for the VKs


As Mal and Ben enter the courtyard, everyone cheers. They step onto the podium

FG: Bippity-Boppity, one, two, one, two. Can everybody hear me?

She handed the microphone to Ben

Ben: Thank you Fairy Godmother. What's up Auradon?!

Everyone cheered

Ben: Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon. It worked out pretty well for the first five

Chad: Yeah, especially for you!

I rolled my eyes. I would've gave him my infamous death glare when my eyes glow red, but right now is a happy occasion. I decided to smile it off and ignore that moron

Ben: Mal, this is the exact spot we met not so long ago

I leaned into Carlos' ear

Me: Even though it's been a year, it feels like it was just yesterday

Carlos nodded and snaked his arm around my waist as Ben continued

Ben: I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention, I'm in love with you?

Doug started playing his guitar while I was softly singing with Evie

Ben: I've met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked

And now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop

I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me

But now look at what you've done you've got me down on one knee

Ben got down on one knee as Mal covered her mouth with her hands out of shock and happiness

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