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The screech of metal against metal. The screaming. The crying. I know I should be in pain. The glass from the window on my side of the backseat busts. Glass is cutting into my face, but all I can feel is numb. The car door on the passenger side gets ripped off as the car continues to roll across the field next to the highway we were on. After a few more rolls, and more broken glass from the windshield, the car stops, right side up.

My thoughts finally come rushing back all at once. Dad? Mom? Are they alright? Oh god, dad was in the passenger seat. Did he fall out as the door came off? Alex...

I quickly look to my right to see Alex, still strapped into his carseat. I let out a sigh of releif. That feeling is short lived. Alex's leg is gushing blood. I quickly unbuckle my seatbelt, and rush to his side. He looks unconscious. I grab his Elmo blanket, yes Elmo he's only 4, and use it to put pressure on the gash in his leg. He winces in pain, but doesn't open his eyes.

I look up at the passenger seat. No sign of dad. I look to the driver's seat and see mom, sitting there, bleeding out of somewhere on her head, possibly more places. We need help. I want to help my mom, but that would mean leaving Alex, and I can't do it. While still putting pressure on Alex's leg with one hand, I check myself out with the other. Do I have any broken bones? Any cuts? Am I bleeding anywhere that is vital? God, I didn't think I would be needing to ask myself those questions today.

I look at my face in the rearview mirror. Oh my god. There was glass stuck in my face, not a lot, but enough to make my tan skin have streaks of blood trailing down it. I start to panic. I turn to Alex to see him crying, and awake.

"Alex! Oh, it's alright! Don't cry, you're going to be just fine!"

Alex whimpers, "Where's daddy?" And starts to cry again.

What do I say? I can't say he fell out of the car! That would make him cry more.

I lie, " Daddy went to go get help for your leg, ok? He said he will be back as soon as he can!"

I can tell he believes me, but how many lies will I have to tell him? The police should be here soon, if anyone called them. There were at least five other cars around us, so someone HAD to have called the police! We were hit by a car, I know that much, at least. I wonder if the people in the other car were alright? Or if other cars got hit also? I pushed that thought away and continued to comfort Alex. I looked down and saw my backpack. My backpack! Of course! If my phone didn't fall out or break, I could call the police!

I let go of Alex for a split second to grab the backpack and pull it up onto the seat. I unzip the black bag and start searching. I pull out a red spiral notebook, a few novels, and my wallet. I look through my wallet and find a debit card, 20 bucks, and my ID. Just got it last week. I looked at what it said

Corey David Valencia

242 Marigold Ln

Age: 17

Date of Birth: 4/20/2008

Eye Colour: Amber

Hair Colour: Black

Height: 5'5

Sex: Male

Weight: 120 IBS

I laughed. I had to get that changed. I remembered being too shy to tell them I was transgender. I hated having to keep that license without it saying Female instead of Male. I hated that my deadname, Corey, was there. I kept digging in the backpack trying to find her phone.

After finding my laptop, three hoodies, and some shoes, I found it. I found My phone. I actually screamed with joy, which made Alex whip his head towards me, looking worried. I felt bad, but had to call the police quickly. I press the power button on my phone until it turns on a moment later.

"It- It works!" I ecstatically screamed from the backseat of the crushed car.

I unlock my phone and dial 911. I wait while it rings. And rings. And rings. And disconnects. I try again and get a busy signal. I try again and again to no answer. What is happening? I move as far away from Alex as I can while still holding the Elmo blanket to his still bleeding leg. I look out the window.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God." I whisper as I look onto the devastation I see around me.

Our car is probably the least amount of damage as far as I can see. There are probably ten cars piled up on the highway. A plane crashed into the field on the other side of the wreck, about 100 yards away from where we rolled away. No wonder the line is busy.

"Ray,what's wrong?" Alex quietly asks.

Another lie spills from my mouth, "Nothing, the police are just a little busy! I just talked to them, and they said they would get here as soon as they are done!"

He smiles, and I know I've calmed him down for now. I turn back to the window and see something bright red about four or five yards from the car. It looks like a shirt. No- a flannel. Dad's lucky flannel. I try to see more to see if he is alright. I see blood. Lots and lots of blood. Like a crimson river flowing in the grass.

"Dad! DAD!" I yell, not caring right now whether Alex hears me or not, catching the lie I told him.

I move back to Alex, his bright, baby blue eyes staring at me. I could tell he was worried. And scared. Hell, why wouldn't he be? I pull back the blanket from his leg and see the bleeding has slowed to a trickle. I can tell the cut wasn't too deep, but he might need stitches.

"Hey, it will be okay Alex, I promise." I told him.

I have to try and make it to dad. That is way more blood than he needs to lose. He is probably unconscious. If he is even still... I stop myself. Don't think like that Raven. Of course he is still alive.

"Alex. Stay here. Don't make any noise, okay? I am going to go and see if dad is back. If mommy wakes up, tell her I am fine. Tell her I am getting dad and will be right back. I love you."

He nodded. I wonder if he will ever see dad again. I hope he doesn't make too much noise, you never know what could be out here, especially at a time like this. I climb out of the broken window, scraping my torso as I glide against the remaining glass. I hold back tears and make it out, tumbling to the ground. I start crawling slowly, yet efficiently, towards what I hope is my dad.

I am almost there when I feel liquid start to trickle down on my face. Rain. Really? Not the worst that could happen I guess. I look up from the ground and see red. The rain is red? No, more crimson, maybe a metallic color? That doesn't make any sense! Then I look around and realize, that's not rain. That's blood.

All Is Red- DISCONTINUED -Where stories live. Discover now