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Sean will protect me. I trust he will. I look around the dark room, and spot an old bear on top of the bed. I smile and walk in to get it. I love bears, especially stuffed ones. Right before I get to the bed, I feel a hand around my ankle. I am about to scream for Sean when the hand pulls my foot under the bed, and I fall. My butt and ankle hurts. I am scared, so I start to cry.

"They can't hurt you anymore, okay? It is going to be alright! Just stay with me and I will protect you!" A girl a little older than me whispers, trying to hold me.

"Sean! Sean! Help!" I yell, right before the girl clamps her hand over my mouth.

She has pretty, dark brown hair. Another girl is also under the bed with us. Sean races in, almost tripping over a small box. He reaches under the bed and grabs my hands, which are reaching out to him. The girl cuts his hand with a knife that I didn't see earlier. He didn't let go of me. He pulls me out, carefully, yet fast, and pulls me up into his arms.

"I am so, so sorry, Alex. I didn't mean for that to happen! Are you hurt?" He says, carrying me out of the room.

"I'm fine, but I never ever want to see those girls again!" I yelled as he carried me down the hall.

When we get to the end of the hall, we slam into the woman that came here with Sean. I don't like her. She is mean.

"Kyle is crying and needs someone to talk to. You are a guy, so maybe you would be better for the job." She says, out of breath, to Sean. He stopped looking worried, and looked scared. Sean nods and quickly passess me to Ginger. Why would he leave me with her? And for Kyle?

"Ginger, why doesn't Sean love me anymore?" I ask Ginger, sheepishly.

She looks down at me, with a worried look on her face.

"What the hell do you mean? He would rather die than see you sad! For what reason? I don't know. So don't EVER say he doesn't love you!" Ginger snapped at him.

She had made Alex feel better. Maybe she wasn't so mean after all. But why did he want Kyle so bad? And why did he come out of Kyle's room so happy? I start to wiggle out of Ginger's arms. She puts me down, and I go up the stairs to find out for myself.

Surprisingly, she lets me. I climb up the big staircase, and find myself at a cracked open door. I hear Sean's voice flooding out of the room.

"Don't do this. Ever. Again. I love you, you know that? I knew from the first time I saw you, that I wanted to be your boyfriend. So don't you put me through losing the love of my life. I know, I've only known you a day, but I just know. We are meant for each other. At least you were meant for me. Don't think I don't love you. Don't take your life. Please," Sean was saying to someone.

Don't ever take your life. My real mommy took her life, at least that is what Raven told me. My daddy died in a fire, and my mommy took her life. Raven said it happened when I was 4 months old, so I could never remember my real mommy and daddy.

I was put in an orphanage when the neighbors found me, I think. I was there until I turned two, then my new mommy and daddy took me home. Raven was fifteen. She didn't like me, but she said she was only being mean because she was "transitioning". Whatever that means.

She says she is a girl, and always was. I don't know why everyone at the doctor and at her school call her Corey. She always looks sad when people call her that. I call her Ray, because it is easier.

I stop getting lost in thought, and look back through the crack. They are both crying and hugging, so I see my opportunity. I sneak in through the door, and tiptoe to the closet. They didn't see me, so I slowly, and quietly get in.

"Babe? Can we just snuggle a little bit?" I hear Kyle say.

"Of course." Sean says while pushing Kyle down on his back.

" I- I turn 15 tomorrow. So can we just make out until tomorrow?

Nothing...more. If you catch my drift?" Kyle uneasily says.

Sean nods. I shouldn't be here. I might be four, but I know what is about to happen. I see Sean push Kyle down onto his back. Hard. Kyle puts his hands through Sean's hair. Sean roughly starts kissing Kyle. I see Kyle kissing back.

I move to the other side of the closet, to get away from seeing that, and trip over some shoes. I hear them stop and quickly get up. I start crying quietly. I hear loud footsteps rushing to the closet. Sean pulls open the door the rest of the way, just enough to see me.

He sighs in relief. He reaches in the closet, and picks me up. He doesn't say anything, and that scares me. He starts walking towards the bed, where he and Kyle were just kissing.

"Hey laddy, what did ye see?" Sean whispers, with Kyle behind him, looking terrified.

I answer honestly, "I saw you two talking and heard you say something about him taking his life, which is really sad. He shouldn't do that. And then I saw you start to push him down, so I snuck in here, and into the closet. Then I saw you push him all the way down, and you two start kissing. Why do people kiss like that? I saw Raven doing it with her friend Sarah, and it was gross!"

Sean started to laugh, but Kyle started to cry. I got up off the bed, and went and hugged him. I didn't want him to be sad, especially if it means he has to take away his life. He crouched down and hugged me back. He hugged a bit too hard, but I didn't say anything.

Before he stops hugging me I whisper in his ear, "Mommy took her life because she was sad, please don't be sad. I don't want you to die too!"

He pulls away from me and looks me in the eyes. He starts to sadly smile, gets up slowly, and looks at Sean. Sean looks at him confused, and I do the same. Kyle slowly walks out of the room, and doesn't look back.


Sorry I have been sick (Not COVID thankfully) so I haven't been able to update. Regular updates start now, lol. I will try and get more out today, if I can. 

Also thanks for reading!

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