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We are going to my house. I don't even know their names, but I am inviting them into my house. What even happened back there? I can tell Raven,or at least that is what the kid calls her, is upset. Even if she doesn't show it. And the kid. He is what, three? Maybe four? What happened to his mother, nobody should have seen, but I did. I did because I didn't want him to.

"So. What is your name, bud?" I ask the kid.

"Alex! What's yours?" He asks me back, a bit too enthusiastically.

"Kyle, do you like hockey? Or do you like some other sport?" I ask Alex.

"Don't talk to him, Alex." The girl practically yells.

Alex looks down and leans on my shoulder and mumbles something. I don't ask him what he said, instead I walk faster, and put him on my shoulders in one fluid motion. I can see him smiling, his black fluff of hair bobbing side to side as I start to run faster. I hear him start to laugh.

"Put him down! Stop! Come back!" I can hear Raven say, running after us.

I don't stop. Before she can catch up with us, I make it to the house. I go to the front door, slowing down to open it, and rush inside. I take Alex off my shoulders and he runs over to the couch in the living room. I take off my shoes, and walk over and plop on the leather recliner. I look over towards the door as a sweaty Raven staggers in. She rushes over to Alex, picking him up and placing him on her hip. She starts marching towards the door, but stops right in front of me.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You could have killed him!" She screams in my face.

Alex starts tugging on her trying to make her stop. She just glares at me, and grabs me by the shirt. Raven looks me dead in the eyes, I look away so she doesn't know how scared I am. Or how much I want to punch her.

"We are leaving. Thank you for trying to keep us in your house that smells like mold, but you can't respect me. Or Alex." Raven says, calmly, for once.

She then turns to leave but stops when I grab her shoulder. I am about to tell her to stay when her short, black, wavy hair flies as she turns her head. She spits in my face and runs out. I know I shouldn't go and tell her to stay. She obviously hates me. So I don't do it for her, I do it for Alex.

As I am running towards the door, I hear screams. I run faster. I am out the door in a matter of seconds, and see Alex running towards me, while Raven is standing there, frozen. In terror? Shock?

I run to Alex, pick him up, and bring him inside in about 25 seconds. Even for me, that's fast.

"Stay here, okay buddy? I'm going to go get Raven." I tell him, already moving towards the door.

I run out to her, and see something I DEFINITELY didn't expect to see today. Blood. Everywhere. All over the trees. The ground.. Everything. I also see two people. A guy, extremely pale, taller than me, but also kinda short, and a woman. She looks a bit older than him, mostly because she is taller. She is filipino? Maybe? I walk towards them, and they start to move towards me.

"Hello? Are you help? Part of the police force? Military? Somet-" I am cut off as the woman puts a hand to my mouth. She has long, straight, dark brown hair, all the way to her butt. I should be thinking she is beautiful, and she is, but the closer I got to the man, the cuter he got.

"Sean, come here and tell him why we are here." The woman says.

Sean, smiling, steps forward. He moves her hand from my mouth and puts his hand out for me to shake. I slowly put my hand out, and he grabs it. Damn, he has a strong grip.

"Hi," he starts, in a strong Irish accent,"my name is Sean, and this is Ginger. I found her outside a pub a few hours ago, right after all this shite started happening. We only want to stay for a little while, if it is alright with you. Please, we have food and water. We can give it to you in order to stay."

At the end there he started to plead, but his Irish accent was to die for. Literally, I would die just for him to talk to me again.

"Umm. M-my name is Kyle. This is my property, as you probably c-can tell. So... of course you can stay, if you really want to. I have a few guests at the moment, but I am sure I can find a spare room or something for you two to stay in!"

The woman, Ginger, replies in a snobby tone, "Well you better find me a bed. I am NOT sleeping on the floor. I will take the little brats bed if I have to."

Sean looks over at her, then back at me and rolls his eyes. I quietly laugh, earning me a glare from Ginger. We walk towards the house, and Raven meets Ginger half way, stopping her, but letting Sean and I go ahead and go in. We walk ahead, and go on in. Alex runs to us and jumps into my arms.

"Hey there, laddy! What's your name?" Sean asks Alex.

Alex burrows his head into my shirt, and says his name. Although muffled, Sean smiles, and I know he heard him. He is so cute when he smiles. I softly gin, and look at my feet. I feel heat rush to my face, and I know I'm blushing. My eyes travel back up to his face. He is staring at me, smirking. I quickly look back down.

"Kyle? Why do you look at Sean that way?" Alex asks me.

"What are you talking about, bud? I don't look at him in any way!" I say to Alex.

The little bastard called me out. Sean laughs, and I blush again. God, I hate this. I put Alex down, and run to my room. I go to the closet, open the door, and get in. With the door closed, I turn on my little light. The pride flag I put in there a month ago still hangs on the wall, only a little bit pokes out from behind the clothes hanging up. If only everyone knew. It would be so much easier to not have to sit in this goddamn closet! (Literally and figuratively)I start to cry, and hear footsteps coming into my room.

"Raven, just leave, okay. You owe me an apology, but not now!" I yell angrily.

Footsteps come closer to the closet, and I can hear someone slide down to the floor beside the door.

"I know, Kyle," an irish voice says, "I know how it feels to be stuck. Alone. To have nobody know what you're going through. But I do. Maybe not exactly the same, but I know it's similar. You can come out whenever you feel like it, and tell me what's bothering you. I am going to sit right here until you do. No matter how fecking long that is, okay?"

He sounded so sincere, but he couldn't know what I am going through. He doesn't know what it is like, to be someone you're not, for 14 years. But then again, he might.

"When I was six. That was the first time I knew. I knew I wanted to kiss a boy. I didn't know what that meant at the time, but I do now. I asked me parents whether they supported being gay, at ten years old. They told me it was disgusting, so I believed them. If they knew, they would hate me. But they can't anymore. They can't hate me because they...they were k-ki-killed. That plane,the one that crashed, my parents were in it. Leaving Chicago to go to California, for business. But I still can't tell anyone. Except, now you."

Sean is quiet for a second, and I start to panic. Is Sean gay? Is- is he going to out me to anyone? Oh god. I shouldn't have told him any of that! Tears start to flood down my face as I hear him stand up. I hear footsteps come right in front of the closet, then...nothing. No sound. I start to panic even more. What is he going to do to me? Does he despise me now? Oh god...he hates me, doesn't he? I look over towards the door as it slides open.

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