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I look down at this poor lad. He is what, fifteen? Maybe? His parents said they were disgusted by him, without even knowing it. I see tears streaming down his cheeks. If only he knew. I crouch down and put my hand out to wipe away the tears. He flinches. Did he think I was going to hit him? God damn it. I hate to say this, but he is better off without those sick fucks he called parents.

"I don't care what your parents thought, they were wrong. Being gay is not wrong. Love whoever you want. Nobody should judge you for it."

He starts to cry harder, and I pull him into a hug. I start to cry. I get in the closet, and sit down in front of him. I saw the pride flag behind the clothing and frowned. He shouldn't be hiding something like that. I quickly stand up in the closet, and push the clothes to the side. I take the push pins out of the wall that is holding the flag up.

"Wait. No what are you doing?" The little lad says, sniffling.

I ignore him and grab the flag, trying not to wrinkle it. I step out of the closet and walk into the middle of the room, the kid following me.

"Aha! It's perfect!" I say as I spot the place it will go.

I walk over to his bed, smiling. There is the perfect place right above where his head would be. I step onto his bed, not caring if he would mind. I place the flag on the wall and stick the push pins into it. After I am done, I step away, beaming at my accomplishment.

"It really is perfect. Thank you." Kyle says, teary eyed.

"No problem, and I hope you find a man who loves you." I said, hopeful for him, and for me.

I turned and headed towards the door, a little solemnly. I hear footsteps coming behind me. He must just be following me out. Really is just like Alex, isn't he. I stop, for just a moment, thinking how adorable Alex is. I am about to start walking again when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. He spins me around, and puts his arms around my neck, a hug. He is very strong for his age. If only he was a bit older. I push away the disgusting thought. I am 18, he is what, 15? That would make me a pedophile, right? Ugh, he probably doesn't think of me that way anyway.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" Kyle says, worrisome, dropping his hands from my neck.

"Oh, no. Just lost in some random thought lad, nothing you need to worry about." I say uneasy.

I look down at him and smile. We could date, and just not do anything for a few years right? I mean, look at him, he is practically the IDEAL date! I can also tell he is sweet, and he is smart, I can tell from the amount of workbooks/literature he has everywhere. What will happen when he finds out I am a Youtuber? Will he think I am worthless, like everyone else? I shake away the thought.

"I-I want to go on a date, maybe, if you w-want?" Kyle said, stuttering.

"I would love to, but I have to let you know I am 18, so we can't do anything for a few years, alright?" I say, expecting a no.

He nods and smiles, getting on his tiptoes to give me a kiss on the cheek. I hug him and walk out of his room, grinning like an idiot. I go and start looking for a bathroom. I go down the stairs, and take a right, walking down the hallway. As I get nearer to the last door on the right, I hear hushed voices, and muffled crying. I stop and put my ear up against the door, trying to hear what they are saying.

"Shh, shh, they will leave after they loot the place. Please don't cry, Renee."

It sounds like a little girl, comforting someone. Did they think we were looters? Without thinking I race down the hall and grab Alex. If it is a kid, they wouldn't possibly be scared by a four year old! I race back towards the door and motion for Alex to stay hidden, in case something goes wrong. I slowly reach for the door handle, and slowly turns it. I hear gasps and moving around. I open the door all the way.

"H-hello? Look, I'm not going to hurt you, just please come out." I say, with as much confidence as I can muster.

I see a girl wiggle out from under the bed. She waves her hand under the bed, motioning for someone else to stay there. She slowly walks towards me, and into the light. I can see she has dark bruises on her tan legs and arms. The girl has a few cuts on her face, and her long, dark hair is tangled and dirty. I kneel down.

"Hi! Are- are you alright?" I whisper, not wanting the others to hear me.

She nods, but doesn't come any closer. I start to inch forward, still kneeling, and her eyes widen. She gets back down on her knees and starts digging under the bed. The kid pulls out a kitchen knife and points it at my throat.

"Come any closer and I will not hesitate to kill you! I mean it!" The girl says, confidant, but still clearly scared.

I nod, and stand up, my hands in front of me. I don't believe she would do anything, but I'm not taking any chances. I slowly back up, and walk out the door. I turn to Alex, who is wide eyed.

"Alex, I need you to tell them I'm not going to hurt them, they will trust you. If anything happens, just know I will be right here, okay?" I tell the little lad.

He walks into the room, very, very slowly. He sees someone, and does a little wave. He smiles, and walks forward.

All Is Red- DISCONTINUED -Where stories live. Discover now