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What was I thinking? Why would I let Alex go on his own in some stranger's house? God I'm so stupid! What if he isn't alright? What if Ginger has something to do with it? Or Kyle? Sean was getting really close with Alex. Did he take him? I feel so useless! Why couldn't I be a good sister? I don't even think he knows he isn't ever going to see mom or dad again! When all this is over will we have to be adopted by someone? Will we be separated again?

I hear someone plop on the couch next to me, and without thinking I grab onto them, and hug them as tight as I can. I don't let go and start sobbing. Their rough jacket hurts my face, but is comforting. Dad had a jacket that felt like this.

"Whoa! Hey...what's wrong?" I hear a man say with an Irish accent.

I quickly stop hugging him and sit back on my side of the small couch.

"Nothing," I say, wiping my eyes, "Nothing is wrong. I just needed a bit of a cry, and a hug, but it is perfectly okay if you don't like me, like, at all. I wouldn't like me either. I am an awful si-sister..."

He looks at me with worried eyes and opens his arms, waiting for me to hug him. I hesitatingly do, and he squeezes me tight, laying his chin on top of my head. Tears start to fall, silently, again.

"Th-thank you," I whisper, just loud enough for the Irishman to hear me.

"No problem, but I do need your help. There are some little brats in a bedroom. One has a...knife...so they are all pretty young, but I couldn't get them out of there." Sean told me.

I wiggled out of the tight hug and stood up. A knife? What if Alex were to get in there. What if he already was?

"Where? Where is the room?" I almost yelled.

Sean pointed down the hall, and I ran. I got to the last door and saw it half open. I slowly opened the door, and saw a little girl with long, dark brown hair, and tanned skin, laying on the bed. Another little girl, a bit older than her, was sitting on a chair in front of a vanity. She hadn't noticed my presence, but I can see the shine of a big kitchen knife next to the younger one on the bed.

I need to make a decision quickly. Should I go for the knife, or should I make my presence known. If I make my presence known, the girl at the vanity could either see me, and trust me, or see me, and go for the knife. I could get there before her, but what about the younger girl? What if she got the knife before me, and killed me.

Now, if I go for the knife, and one of them sees me, they might have another weapon, or will think I am a threat. If I get there without someone detecting me, then I should be safe. I choose to get the knife.

I step into the room, quietly, and start to go towards the knife. I try to not make any noise. The bed is about five steps forward, and then I will have the knife. I take one step. No detection. I take another, and another, and keep going until I am at the bed. I grab the sharp butcher knife, and walk to the middle of the room, the floorboards creaking.

I see the girl turn around from the vanity, a terrified expression on her face. She gets up and turns towards the bed, and runs for it. She sees the knife is gone.

"Renee! Renee wake up!" She yells, shaking the girl sleeping on the bed.

"Sofia? What's wro-" The girl, Renee, stops talking when she sees me, and the knife.

"Renee? Was that your name? And Sofia? I only took the knife so you wouldn't hurt me. Have you seen a little boy? He is four, and I lost him in the house. He is my little brother, and all I have. Please," I plead.

The girl, Sofia, whispers, "Yes. We have seen him. He was with an evil man. He had a weird accent. He was looting the place with others, about ten to fifteen minutes ago. He wanted to go with the man, but he looked scared. I don't know where he is now, though."

"What-What did the man look like?"I asked, wondering who they meant.

"He had a blue shirt on, and a jean jacket. It had a green eyeball pin on the front pocket, by his chest. He had brown hair, and very pale skin. He had blue eyes. They were very pretty. He wasn't very tall, about the same height as you, maybe a few inches taller. He also had on jeans, they were a dark blue. Darker than navy, but not black. Can we come help you find him? We promise we won't hurt anyone!" She describes, a bit of excitement in her voice at the end.

I nod, and put the knife in my bra. A bra that I don't need, because I haven't had top surgery yet, but still want to wear. I grab both the girls hands and walk towards the living room, now holding back tears. What has he done to Alex?

We make it to the living room, and I let go of the girl's hands, still walking towards Sean. I pull out the knife and hold it to his throat, letting the tears flow now.

"What did you do to him, Sean? You comforted me, when you took the one thing I have. I let you hold me while I was crying about Alex, and you took him. You took Alex! I swear to god if you don't tell me where he is right now, I will slit your throat, and gut you like the pig you are!" I screamed at the Irishman.

"I gave him to Ginger, after I took him from those two monsters. Then I went up to Kyle's room, because he was crying. I-I talked with him, not knowing Ginger let Alex come up there. He wanted to commit suicide, Raven. He thought I hated him. He really thought that. I walked in and he had cuts all up and down his arms. He was bleeding, and crying. I guess Kyle heard us, and snuck in. He made his way to the closet, while me and Kyle were...talking. When we were in the middle of it, we heard us a noise coming from the closet. When I went over there, and opened the door, I saw Alex crying. I picked him up and carried him to the bed, where I asked him what he saw. Kyle was terrified, because of reasons I would rather him say himself. Alex told us, but went over to Kyle and hugged him, and Kyle leaned down and hugged him back. Alex said something that I didn't hear, and Kyle walked out. He went to pick the vegetables from the garden out back. Alex is still upstairs, I think." The childish man explained, in a surprisingly calm manner.

I pull the knife from his throat and turn towards the stairs, not saying a single word.

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