We Had Fun (18+)

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You smiled lovingly as you felt your Captain's thin, calloused fingers brush over your shoulders while he passed by to get to his usual table with his squad. You glanced at him for a bit, but then you felt like someone was staring at you and you aim your eyes at Petra who quickly turned away from you to face Levi. You narrowed your eyes at her when she placed her hand on Levi's forearm, but he kept his infamous, bored stare as he reached for his tea cup, gently brushing her off. You smiled in satisfaction, before breaking out of the trance when Jean, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, and Connie join your table. You turned to them with a smile on your face as you grab your spoon and scoop some soup into your mouth. 

"Hey, Y/n. How are you?", Jean voiced as he blushed a bit when he sat next to me. You wrap your arm around his waist, hugging him briefly before you go back to eating your meal. You and Jean have been getting quite close with each other. You both were complimented by your higher ups and even the Commander himself. You both were amazing leaders when it came to it, both of you were strong willed. You had a lot in common with Jean. You felt eyes on you again and you turned around to find Levi looking at you and Jean, the corners of his mouth were curved upward, he was smiling. He always supported your feelings for Jean even if you and him were messing around at the moment, you both knew one day it would come to an end. Of course, you will miss it, miss him, but you wanted love as well and you knew the Captain wasn't going to give you that. You recall the first time Levi invited you to his office. 

You knocked on Levi's door, patiently waiting for him to open when you heard him get up form his chair. Your gaze met the floor as you bit your lip in nervousness because you thought you got in trouble for losing a fight in training today. Maybe he was going to scold you. You heard the door open and you brought your head up to see Levi standing there.

"You just going to stare or are you going to get your ass in here?", He said as he moved aside, providing you enough room to walk into the office and you step in, passing beside him and walking over to his desk, taking a seat in unoccupied chair. You held you head down, anticipating the scolding but it never came. You looked up and Levi wasn't even in his seat. You were about to turn around when you felt a hands on your shoulders and breathing on your neck.

"I'm going to be straight forward with you Y/n, I've noticed the way you bite your lip when you think I'm not looking.", Levi whispered as you gasped quietly knowing you've been caught by your captain. 

"Captain Levi, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise, I'll keep my eyes to myself.", You say, pleading for him not to yell at you but it never came.

"I want you too, Y/n.", was all Levi said before grabbing your hair, yanking it back and locking his lips with yours. You moan into his mouth, placing your hands on either side of his face, pulling him closer allowing you to deepen the hot kiss. Your lips were bigger than his but his were nice and soft like yours and they felt so good against yours. Just kissing him was enough the dampen your panties, this man was sex on legs and he knew it. Damn those Ackerman genes. You felt Levi's wet tongue swipe over your lips, looking for an entrance so you gave him one and opened your mouth a bit wider, allowing him access. He didn't hesitate none when he shoved his tongue into your mouth, wrapping it around yours, softly sucking on it. You whimpered softly when you felt his hand around your neck, gripping onto it, cutting off your air supply just a bit and that sent electricity down your spine. Levi Pulled away, chuckling as a string of your saliva connected between both of your lips. You looked up at him with a shy smile playing on your lips. 

You were broken from your trance when Armin tapped your shoulder.

"Y/n, are you okay? You keep staring off into nothing.", Armin said as he patted your shoulder in a caring manner. Gosh, how you loved his cuteness, you just wanted to pinch those little cheeks of his to make him blush. You smile at him, placing your hand on his head, rubbing it and thanking him for his concern. 

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