Little Brat

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Levi pov

Feb 24

I sat up in bed after hearing a loud cry from beside me. I turn to look at the baby crib next to me before rubbing the sleep from from my face. 

"Do you want me to get him?", Y/n, my wife, says as she rolling over and rubbing my arm. I shake my head at her. She needed more rest than I did, I mean she just pushed out a baby and I don't want her over working her body, especially with the stitches she's gotten during surgery. 

"No, it's fine, baby, I got the little brat.", I say, smiling a bit as I reach to fix her bonnet that was about to slip off. Gosh, that thing was so god damn soft. Sometimes I would wear her bonnet when she was out at work because it smelled so good. She giggled and kissed my hand, turning back over and falling back to sleep. I get up, stretching as I slug over to the baby's crib. It's like his crying was getting louder and louder or was that just because I was getting closer and closer? I reach into the crib, taking my son, Amir, into my arms and I feeling if he needed his diaper changed, which he did. Pissy as hell. I carry him over to the changing table, carefully laying him down onto the surface before reaching over to the right grabbing a fresh pamper and snapping open the pack of wet wipes. 

Amir's crying has died down now and he's just sucking on his tiny fist. I unbutton his shirt, gently lifting his up so I could pull shirt back, revealing the wet diaper. 

"I see trees of green. Red roses too. I seem them bloom for me and you. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.", I began crooning, not so loud as to not wake up Y/n, but enough where Amir could hear me. I take off his wet pamper, grabbing a wet one and wiping him clean, slipping on a new one. 

"I see skies of blue and clouds of white. The bright, blessed day and dark, sacred night. And I think to myself what a wonderful world.", I sing, pulling his yellow shirt back down and buttoning it, playing the wet one inside the diaper before wrapping it onto itself and picking up Amir again, walking downstairs to the kitchen and tossing his diaper in the trash. 

"The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky are also on the faces of people going by.", I hum as I open the fridge, going in to get one his bottles and kicking the fridge closed and grabbing a small cup, turning on the faucet filling it with hot water. I placed the bottle in the water, allowing it to warm the breastmilk inside. 

I glance down at my son who had his eyes wide opened. He was going to be very curious as he gets bigger and, honestly, I can't wait until he starts clapping his hands and crawling and standing, taking his first steps. I never imagined myself as a father and yet here I am. I've never been happier, well, maybe when I married my wife and when she revealed she was pregnant 2 years later. 

"I see friends shaking hands saying 'How do you do?', they're really saying 'I love you'", I turned around hearing Y/n sing the next lines of the song, bringing a smile onto my face. I see her grab Amir's bottle, squeezing a little on her hand, checking the temperature before she brings the  nipple to his mouth and he quickly latches onto it, enjoying his food. I grab the bottle from Y/n's hand as she turns her head and yawns.

"Y/n, get some sleep. It's only been about a week since you got out of the hospital.", I voice, peering down at Amir then back at Y/n, raising an eyebrow. She shakes her head, resting it against my shoulder, sighing with a smile on her face.

"Not until you come back to bed, Levi.", Y/n wraps her arm around my waist, kissing my cheek and then my neck. I smirk, catching her lips in a kiss. 

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