Reckless Fighting

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You stormed out of the kitchen, Levi hot on your tail as you swiftly climb the stairs to your shared bedroom. Once you got there, you pulled out your suitcases and to go bags and started packing them with as much as you could, filling them to the brim. You had to get away from this house and away from him. You don't know what changed him into the man he is now and you didn't care because he thought he had a say so in whatever you did. He thought he knew what was best for you in every instance and he didn't want to admit that. 

"Where do you think you're going and what do you think you're doing, Y/n?", You heard Levi as he stood in the door way with his arms folded across his chest, attempting to show off what little authority he had over you. You unzipped another suitcase as you stood by your closet and pulled your shirts and pants off the hangers and shoving them into the rectangular compartment. You chose to ignore him this time because every time you spoke back to him he shut you up. 

You stood at the stove, pulling out a single strand of spaghetti, blowing on it a little and place it into your mouth so you could determine if the pasta was ready to be eaten and it was. You turned off the stove burner, grabbed some potholders, and picked up the pot by it's handles and poured the pasta into a drainer that was sitting in the sink. As you turned around to place the empty pot back in it's previous spot, you accidentally bump into Levi causing him to drop his full tea cup, breaking it and spilling his favorite tea. 

"Damn it! Why can't you watch where you're going, Y/n. Shit.", You heard Levi say as he grabbed the roll of paper towels and angrily tear off some towelettes and throw them over the spilled tea so they can soak up the liquid. You couldn't believe what you just heard. You slammed the pot down onto the stove and turned your body to face him as you rested your hand on your hip.

"I know damn well you didn't just blame me for that, Levi? It was your stupid ass fault to walk in the damn kitchen knowing damn fucking well I'm cooking. What told you to walk your tiny ass behind me as I'm turning around?", You exclaim, slightly raising your voice at him. Who the hell did he think he was? Who the hell did he think you were? One of his cadets at the academy? He could kiss your fat, black ass if he thought he was going to talk to you any kind of way. Your mama and daddy ain't raise no bitch, so?

Levi was now squatting down next to the mess that was tea and glass and you rolled your eyes at him as he glared up at you with a raised eyebrow. 

"Well, yes I did blame you. You were the one to turn around without thinking about your surroundings, Y/n. You're fucking clumsy and if you roll your damn eyes again and I'll rock your damn world", You heard Levi say as he wiped up the tea, tossing the damp paper towels into the trash and grabbing the broom and dust pan. Your eyes almost popped out your head when he said that bullshit. 

You swiftly turn your head to him, flipping your hair, and saying, "So rock it, Levi." With that he halted his sweeping and dropped the broom, strolling over to you and getting in your face, although he was a bit shorter than you. You stood your ground and rested your hand on the counter, leaning of your weight on it and keeping your other hand on your hip. You both stared at each other, neither one wanting to break eye contact but then the door bell rang and he turned away from you. He simply walked away from you and left out the door with whoever was standing on the other side. 

You finished packing all you could carry in your arms and headed for the door but when you got there, Levi stood his place and didn't budge one bit. He was blocking your way and you didn't have the fucking time for this. 

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