16 Lilly's Guard*

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The next day, Aaron left after an early lunch to head to Red Rivers pack. EV decided that she would take up my training, so we've been sparing for hours. She is a tough teacher.

"You're pretty good, pup!" She says as I block another kick.

"I'm one of the best fighters here. I can take down men twice my size and age." I tell her with a grin.

"Don't get too cocky, Brayden. You have yet to pin me." She responds.

"I'd hate to hurt you, EV." I taunt her in an attempt to get her mad and sloppy. No way I can pin her when her head is in the game.

"Like you could." She scoffs.

"Just think you're gonna get a mate, and you'll have to protect him." I say laughing.

"Shut it! My mate will be just as strong as I am!" Looks like I found the button to push.

"I bet he'll be some little punk. I bet he'll whimper at the thought of a fight." I tell her. I can see her jaw clench, and she throws all her power into a sloppy punch. I take this opportunity to grab her arm and throw her on the mat.

"Pinned ya!" I grin as she pushes me off. "C'mon, I was just joking EV! I'm sure he'll be amazing!" I call after her as she walks away. I jump up and run after her. "I'm sorry, EV." I say as I reach for her shoulder. She grabs my arm and twists, throwing me onto the ground.

"Forgiven pup." She says, patting my head. "Come on, let's get some food." She adds, pulling me up.

We head to the kitchen and start eating whatever we can find in the fridge.

"I got ta go." EV suddenly jumps up from the table.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"Aaron just mind linked me. Apparently, his new mate needs a guard, and our dear Alpha refuses to have a male guard protect her." EV laughs, and I join her.

"Sounds about right." I say, jumping up to follow her. "Can I come? I wanna see Lilly... make sure she's okay. I can help! I won't be a hassle, I promise."

"Alright, let's go." She says, rolling her eyes.

We decide to shift and run, taking our clothes in our teeth. EV packed a bag because she's staying longer, but I don't bother. It's too much of a hassle to carry in wolf form.

When we get to the Red Rivers pack house, I run in.

"Lilly!" I yell, running up to her and wrapping her in a hug. "They said they were coming here, so I had to come. Is your dad around? I hope not. I was so excited to see you! The offer still stands if you ever want to drop Ari, you know. He snores really loud! You should..."

"Brayden!" Aaron yells at me. The girls laugh.

"Good to see you too, Brayden." Lilly says, making me smile.

"What are you doin' here, Bray?" Ari asks.

"They said you needed a guard for Lilly, so I volunteered!" I answer nearly laughing. I love pushing his buttons.

"Brayden." Ari says.

"Fine I..." I start a little uneasy at his Alpha tone.

"I brought him." A EV says.

"Ahhhh... Lilly, meet EV, your new guard." Ari introduces her.

"Nice to meet you, EV." Lilly says.

"You too, Alpha! This guy refused to have a male warrior as your guard, so they sent me as the strongest female." EV says.

"Anyway!" Ari breaks in trying to change the subject. "Why did you bring Bray?" EV just shrugs.

"Pup wanted to come... didn't see the harm... you're here after all." She reasons.

"And you didn't think to ask me?" Ari asks, clearly frustrated with her. She shrugs again.

"Chill, Alpha! He wanted to see her! He was worried! He's your responsibility, so suck it up!" EV says. It's hilarious when she talks to him like that. Few people can.

"Fine... I'm with her now, so why don't you just take a walk... get the lay of the land and all. I'll let you know if I need you." Ari tells her, still angry.

"Yes, Alpha!" EV says with a playful salute and a laugh before leaving.

"I like her!" Lilly says once she is gone.

"I thought you might. She is Clayton's sister. I've known her forever." Ari tells her.

"Hey Bray!" Lilly says, grabbing my shoulders. "Most of the pups your age hang out in the rec room... why don't you go have some fun!" She points down a hallway. "It's the last doorway down that hall. You'll hear them long before you get there. Just follow the smell of popcorn."

"I wanted to hang with you!" I protest.

"We will, buddy. We'll join you for a movie later. Your Alpha and I haven't eaten, so it's gonna be kinda boring. Just a bunch of talking. You'll have more fun there." Lilly says. I guess I can do that. We still get a movie night.

"Ok then... I guess... see ya later!" I run off down the hall in search of popcorn.

I hung out for a little over an hour playing video games with some guys. They are cool but kinda stupid. I mean, how many fart and poop jokes can a guy sit through?

"Lilly!" I call to her when she finally appears.

"Hey, Bray." She greets me with a hug.

"Where's Ari?" I ask her.

"He'll be here in a bit... let's start the movie." She says, leading me back to the couch.

"But Ari." I argue.

"He'll be here soon. Don't worry, he won't miss much. Have a seat pup." She tells me as she sits on the couch. I join her and we begin the movie. I keep looking to the door, but Ari never comes.

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