21 Mates Everywhere*

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I spent a few days unconscious while my wolf healed me. Sadly, we can't grow back toes, so my foot looks a bit funny, but I feel better. Physically, at least. Lilly is still gone, and everyone is out searching. Everyone but me, that is because I'm on house arrest! We're back at Midnight Moon, and Ari won't let me leave the pack house!

"What's going on!?" I ask a guy that's running past. Everyone is going crazy!

"They found her! Alpha Aaron's mate, Alpha Lilly! We have to get ready to save her." He says, running off. I follow him toward a group of warriors.

"What do you think you're doing, pup?" Clay asks, grabbing my arm.

"Going to get Lilly." I state.

"No. You're too young and still not fully healed." He says.

"I'm good as new, and I'm going to help save her! It's my fault she's gone! I'm going, Clay!" I argue.

"I'll make you a deal. If you can stand on just your injured foot for a minute, I'll let you join us." He says, crossing his arms. I put all my weight on the foot and quickly lose my balance. It is healed, but I haven't fully gotten my balance back. I fall forward, and Clay catches me.

"Go to your room and wait for us to get back." He orders.

"I'm going, Clayton!" I stand my ground.

"Don't make me force you, Brayden. I don't have time to fight you." He says all serious and Beta like.

"Then don't fight me! Let me go." I yell, and he growls.

"EV!" He yells.

"What's up, bro?" She asks, running up.

"Keep the pup out of the way." He orders.

"No, I'm her guard. I'm going, Clayton." She responds.

"You need to pack anyway. Just keep the boy here." Clay says.

"I'm done packing. I'm going with you!" She argues.

"I doubt your mate will agree. How about I give Gamma Erickson a call. See if he wants his mate coming." Clay threatens.

"Come on, Bray." EV hisses, grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs. I sit at the banister at the top of the stairs, watching the warriors with EV.

"So you're really leaving?" I ask.

"I met my mate months ago. You can't be surprised by this." She responds.

"Well, you took long enough. I thought  maybe you'd stay with us." I mumble.

"He's Gamma. I have to go to his pack." She tells me.

"Where is she?" I hear Ari roar as Alpha Mason enters.

"Come on." Is his response as he leads Ari out. "You have your warriors ready?" I hear him ask as they leave.

"EV." A voice sounds behind us.

"Eric!" She jumps up and hugs him.

"He's not a wimp, at least." I tell her.

"What's with the pup?" He asks her.

"This is Brayden, Aaron's boy, Clay wants me to keep him here." She says, not hiding her distaste for the situation.

"Well, I'm glad he's keeping you safe." He says, burying his face in her neck. EV pushes him away.

"I am a warrior, Erickson! You can't always protect me!" She yells at him.

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