I shift and run straight for the border. As I approach, I smell something off.
They surround me on all sides. I am sooo screwed! It's not like the movies or video games where they attack one at a time. No, they all lunge, and before I know it, I'm a bloody mess. I managed to kill three, but it's like they just keep on coming! Eventually, I am pinned to the ground.
"Shift!" The leader commands. It's an Alpha command... But he's a Rogue! How is that possible? I feel my wolf betray me at the Alpha's command, and I revert to my human form.
"Ahhhh! Little Brayden. Nice to meet you, pup." The Alpha says as his goons pick me up, holding my arms at rather uncomfortable angles.
"I'm not little! How do you know me? Screw you! And I'm not a pup!" I yell at him, and he punches me in the stomach.
"I'm the Alpha here, boy, and you will respect me!" He growls in my ear. "Get the kid dressed!" He orders his men, and one comes up to me with my clothes I'd abandoned in the fight. I put them on, and the man leads me away.
"Why are you doing this?" I ask the man as we walk.
"You are Aaron's pup... Lilly seems rather fond of you as well. You are the perfect bargaining chip." The Alpha says.
"What do you want from them?" I continue to pry for information.
"I'm not into the villain monologue thing pup. You'll see soon enough. For now, will you just shut up?" He tells me.
"Come on! You're kidnapping me, can't you at least tell me why?" I push. He growls and punches me again, knocking the wind out of me.
"Shut UP!" At this point, the goons are practically carrying me as I try to catch my breath.
"Did you leave the letter?" The Alpha asks as one of his men runs up to us. He opens the door to a cabin, and the goons drag me in.
"Yes sir, they got it... but sir, I managed to listen in outside the window of the office. They plan on tricking you. Capturing you. They aren't playing by the rules." The man says.
"Really now?... bring the boy!" The goons bring me over to the Alpha. "I'm sorry to do this pup, but your friends don't seem to care about your well-being... how about we show them just how serious I am? Put him on the table!"
The goons throw me onto what looks like a simple dining room table. Two hold down my torso as I fight them. One grabs one leg as the Alpha grabs the other, removing my shoe.
"This little piggy went to the market." He says, tapping a knife to my big toe and then moving to the next one. "This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy had roast beef. This little piggy had none. And this little piggy went...."
"Ahhhhhhhhh!" My scream cuts off his childish game as he cuts off my pinky toe.
"No, it's Weee weee weee... but I guess you couldn't help but scream. Oh, well." The Alpha says, shrugging his shoulders as he writes a note. He puts my severed toe and the note in a box and gives it to one of his men. "Deliver this to Lilly. Make sure she's the only one to see it."
"Yes, sir." The man says before running off.
"Just kill me! If you're after Lilly, there's no way Aaron will trade her for me! And he's gonna kill you before it's said and done!" I yell at him.
"Perhaps Aaron wouldn't trade you, but Lilly will. She has a big heart. One of the things I love about her. Soon, she will be my mate." He says.
"You're nuts! She's Ari's mate! She will never want you!" I scream, and he punches me in the face.
"She won't have a choice, pup." He hisses. This dude is strong. Crazy as I'll get out but strong. My entire body hurts from the power of his punches. I pass out in a corner while the goons stand guard. I wake up a little later to the sound of a happy Alpha.
"Good news! The lovely Lilly has decided to save you. Bag him, and let's go." They toss a bag over my head. I guess they don't want me to know my way back. I was disoriented by the fight when they brought me here, and now I can't see. I honestly have no idea where I am. "Show time, pup." The Alpha says, removing the bag. I see Lilly looking around, and the Alpha steps into view of her while his goons hold me back.
"Over here, baby." He calls as he walks towards her.
"Brayden?" She asks, staring him down.
"Bring the boy!" The Alpha yells, and the head goon drags me out to meet them. "Had to make sure you know how to obey." He tells her.
"Lilly!" I call out to her.
"Let him go." She yells. The Alpha nods, and the goon throws me forward. I run to her as best I can, limping from my missing digit.
"Now you know the deal Lilly you for him." The Alpha says.
"I know." She responds to him and then looks at me. "Run as fast as you can back that way!" She points toward woods, and I'm guessing the pack house. I started to protest, but she ordered me. "NOW!" I scowl at her and take off running. I can't believe she did that! She commanded me! She's gonna get hurt now, and I can't stop it! Another thing that's my fault! Another person taken from me!
I limp/ run in the direction she pointed until I ran into a guard.
"Dalton!" I yell at him.
"Brayden! How did you..."
"Lilly!" I cut him off to answer.
"Come on, let's get you to the infirmary." He says, picking me up and running much faster than I can with my gimpy foot.
"No! Get Lilly! Help Lilly!" I fight him as he runs. We run into EV as we enter the house.
"Get Alpha Aaron." Dalton tells her as he takes me to the infirmary. Shortly after we arrive, Ari is bursting through the door.
"Ari!" I call out to him.
"Bray!" He yells, running over to me. "Are you Okay?"
"I'm fine, Ari!... but Lilly! He took her! I wanted to help, but..." I growl. I still can't believe she did it! "She commanded me to come here."
"It's good she did, Bray. Do you know where he took her?" Ari asks, and I shake my head no.
"We got ta get 'er Ari! That dude's nuts!" I yell, trying to get up, but he pushes me back onto the bed.
"Not so fast, pup!" The doctor says,"I still got to check you out."
"I'm fine!" I growl at the doc.
"You limped in here. You are dehydrated. Your shoe is soaked in blood. You say fine. I say adrenaline is pumping through you, and you need to be looked after." The doctor tells me.
"Sit tight, Bray. Do whatever the Doc says. Don't worry. We'll get her." Ari says and leaves the room.
"Just let me go! I need to save her!" I yell at the doctor.
"You heard your Alpha. Let me do my job, or I'll have to sedate you." He threatens.
"You wouldn't!" I challenge him. "I'm leaving! I'm gonna save Lilly! You guys can sit around if you want." I go to stand, but the Doc has Dalton pin me to the bed. With a pinch in my arm, I soon feel a little dizzy, followed by the darkness of unconsciousness.

Manusia SerigalaPack destroyed. Father dead, mother dead, sister dead. Little Brayden is left alone. If it weren't for the teenage Alpha that finds him and takes him in. Story excerpt As I run past the man I feel his arms take hold of me pinning me to him as he pi...