25 Mission Complete*

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It took over a week to get the pups to Red Rivers. We ended up carrying the pups most days. It made us faster but also tired us out more. Chelsey keeps looking at me, but she hasn't spoken to me much. It sucks that I will never have my mate, but it sucks even more that I have to see her, smell her, and I can't have her. I just want this to be over so she can put me out of my misery. At one  point, I didn't want a mate. Now I do, and that's what is going to kill me.

"Here we are!" I yell as I put Sam on the ground in front of me. A couple of women come out to meet us.

"Brayden, finally!" The head woman calls out.

"Sorry ma'am. Took longer than expected." I say.

"Well, let's get the pups settled." She says.

"Bway! I don't wanna leave you!" Sam says, hugging my leg.

"Me neither." Tessa says, attaching herself to my other leg.

"Sorry, pups, but I can't stay." I tell the pups as I peel them off of me.

"Why?!" They protest.

"Remember when I told you about Alphas?" They nod. "Well, here in a couple of years, I'm gonna be an official Alpha of a pack up north. I have to train with Alpha Aaron. Don't worry, pups, I'll come and visit." They whine and hug me.

"Okay, pups, let's go." The head of the orphanage calls to them.

"Little leader." I stop her as she walks away. She walks back over to me. "These people will care for you and the others. Try to be a kid. At least for a little while. You can always go back to being all grown up later if you don't like it."

"I'll try, Brayden." She tells me then follows the rest.

"Glad that's over!" Trevor says as we head back to the pack house. Without the kids and with us shifting, it will only take a few hours.

"You're just bored because we didn't get in a fight." Eric jokes

"Well, yes, would it kill us to get a couple rogues attacking? This whole trip was boring!"

"Let's just shift and get home." I order and go off to shift.

Once we make it back, I finally talk to Chelsey.

"Can I have a minute, please?" I say, grabbing her arm, and she nods. We walk away from the guys so we can speak without them hearing.

"Brayden.." she starts.

"No. I know you don't want me. I'm not going to beg you. Just let me talk to Ari... Alpha Aaron. I need to give him an update, and then I'll escort you home. At that point, I won't stop you from doing what you want." I tell her then turn away heading to Ari's office.

"Brayden..." she tries again.

"Please, Chelsey... I can't. I don't want your sympathy. I don't want an explanation. Let's just get this over with." I cut her off and resume my walk to the office. There's nothing she can say that I want to hear at this point. I just need this over with.

Chelsey's  POV

I heard him. Everything he told the pups the first night. I misjudged my young mate. He is strong and wise. He may be younger than me, but he is so very mature, and he is so good with the pups! He is everything I wanted in a mate. I think I ruined any chance with him, though. He won't even talk to me. I can't stand watching him walk away from me. My heart is breaking, and only he can fix it.

"Let's go!" Brayden says as he leaves the pack house. "I borrowed a car, so we should be there tonight, early morning at the latest."

"Okay." I mumble as he opens the passenger door for me and closes it once I'm in. He's still a gentleman. I sigh.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask after probably 15 minutes of silence.

"I'd rather you didn't." He tells me.

"You don't know what I'm gonna say." I argue.

"I think you've yelled at me enough, don't you? You've insulted me and demeaned me at every turn. What else could you want to say?" He growls.

"That I'm sorry." I whisper, and he stops the car to look at me.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm sorry. I judged you by your age without knowing who you are. You are a good man, and I'm sorry." I say. He turns away from me, looking out the windshield. I see the grip on the wheel tighten.

"What are you saying?" He asks.

"That I... I..." I don't know how to say it. I think I. I think I.

"Do you still want to reject me?" He asks, still not looking at me.

"No." I whisper, and he sighs a slight smile, making its way on his lips.

"How about we get some dinner. Like at a diner or something not fire cooked rabbit?" He asks.

"I'd love to." I answer, and we're on the road again.

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