Chapter 38: Save my soul

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Elena was sitting in her room with Angel when Klaus walked in. "Can you come down please considering you trust her and i don't"

"Fine" Elena picked up Angel and followed him downstairs. When she got down there her phone started to ring."Hello"

"Come get your evil ass sister before i murder her why she is trying to get Kol back i don't want to know but i'm going to kill her."

"Elijah can you take your neice why i go muder my sister." Elena said.

"Ok" Elijah took Angel.

"Sorry Nik i have to go make sure that my boyfriend can come back and my sister doesn't fuck it up" Elena said.

"Who were you dating" Freya asked.

"Your little brother physco one i'll be back don't start without me" Elena said.

When  Elena got to the playhouse she was truly pissed she couldn't believe her sister. She walked in and seen Davina and Rebekah arguing."What the hell are you doing here."

"Doing what your not" Davina said.

"I don't know what your obsession is with my boyfriend but he is my boyfriend. He is my daughters father and i'm this close to disowning you and murdering you in cold blood cause you can't do this" Elena said

"I'm trying to get him back" Davina said.

"I am to i've been trying but i know that i can't abandon my daughter to do it. If he was here he would tell me to focus on her and not him because she is not even one yet. So i have to do it this way. I am going to get him back and your going to stop. Don't cross me Davina." Elena said.

"No you don't cross me" Davina said.

Elena pushed her hands foward and Davina fell to the ground screaming. And then she went unconcious."When she comes back make sure she fails. Lock this place up and don't let her in here."

"Ok what about the witch taking me over" Rebekah said.

"I'll look into it but there having me work with Freya" Elena said.

"I understand what about Kol" Rebekah asked.

"Davina won't get the right ashes cause i have the real ones from his actual body i'll bring him back when i know i have enough power for right now i'm just gaining control of my magic" Elena said.

"Alright" Rebekah said.

Elena went back to the compound. She took Angel from Elijah and they all had a seat.

"How'd you end up with the family" Freya asked.

"One night stand muder kidnapped brought here" Elena said.

"Forgive me-- are we here to discuss family history, or do we have more pressing concerns?" Elijah said

"Please excuse my brother's lack of decorum. He's been in a foul mood of late. But, he is right. I did ask you here in the hopes that you would share some of Dahlia's secrets. So, without further ado, let's get to it!" Klaus said. Elena knew that they had to get trust Freya if they had any wish of getting rid of Dahlia.

Freya cleared her throat."The first thing you should know is that Dahlia is the most powerful witch I've ever seen. She craves more power still. Right now she is like me-- limited to one year of life in a century. But, she wants to be free of that restriction. To gain true immortality. And that is why she will come here-- drawn by your daughter's to take there power for herself. And she would kill anyone who would defy her."

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