Chapter 7: Bloodletting

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Klaus vamped into the middle of fight night and snapped the girls neck."Good evening. I'd like a word."

"What do you think you're doing?" Marcel asked. He was standing on the ledge controlling the fight night.

Another voice spoke everyone turned to look at who.Elijah."It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs." When he reached the center of the circle he turned towards Marcel." We've come for the girls give her to us or we kill everyone here starting with you." His voice was dead serious he had promised he wouldn't let them two get hurt.

"You two got a lot of nerve coming into my home and making demands." Marcel spat.

"You're home, is it?" Klaus asked,

Elijah spoke up letting his anger show in his voice."The girl's. I will not ask again."

"I assume you're talking about Hayley... yay high, dark hair, bitchy attitude. And Elena everyone's favorite doppelganger who happens to be 4 months pregnant By Kol and acts a lot like him. So i know who Elena is but who is Haley" Marcel smirked

"She's an old friend. You know how sentimental I am about old friends." Klaus siad,

"Well i ain't got them" Marcel said."and before you start whining,I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic. So I took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave, and imagine my surprise......when I realized that the Original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl ,Hayley, answered the door. We exchanged hellos. That was it. You don't believe me, look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her. But the question that I'd ask is...If Hayley isn't here......then where is she?"

Haley was trying to get out of the back of the truck she was in. She was ziptied. Elena was passed out next to her.  She tried to break out of the zip ties. But couldn't so she broke the sheild it was almost all the way when the car stopped. Tyler  broke the glass and opened the trunkand picked her up."Seriously?"

"Tyler?" Haley said

"You don't want to fight me, Hayley. You know you can't beat a Hybrid." Tyler said.

He tighted the zipties on her legs. Make her wince and pain and say"Let me go, you backstabbing,half-breed piece of sh--"

He cut her off"Shut up."

"Elena don't hurt her please" Haley said. He swung her over his shoulder.

"She'll be fine" Tyler said.


Tyler sat her down and vamped away and brung Elena back who was now awake and sat her next to Haley,

"Where the hell are we" Elena asked.

"The armpit of Lousianna" Tyler said. He grabbed out a knife.

"What are you going to do with that" Haley asked. She didn't want her or Elena being harmed.

"Depends on the two of you" Tyler said.

"You attacked us took us from our home" Elena said.

"No i took you from Klaus' you two were shacked up with Physco's" Tyler said."a long way from the girl i grew up with the girl that lost everything because of these people or the girl I met in the Appalachians helping other werewolves."

Both girls looked at the ground then Haley looked up at Tyler and said."Tyler i'm sorry but a lot has happened since the last time that i saw you"

"You mean how you both got pregnant by an original" He scoffed and looked at Haley's stomach,"The Hybrid babies i know all about that. I've been roaming around the bayou asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned." He walked over to her and pulled down her sleeve revealing her birthmark." This crescent birthmark means you come from a big shot family some kind of royalty to the werewolves of this region, and right here..." He looked around"This is all that's left of them."

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