Chapter 2 (The RV)

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In an abandoned Parking Lot (August 29th 2020)

Parker P: You gave them the right Address right

Walker: Of course I did!

Parker P: 10 Minutes tell and not a soul

Walker: Just give it time 

Stefan: (steps out of an uber with his luggage) Thanks

Walker: Stefan! 

Stefan: Walker (embraces him tightly) 

Walker: I am so excited

Stefan: Me too cuz it's with you 

Walker: Awe Stefan (someone taps his shoulder)

Cruz: Ello Love

Walker: Cruz!! 

Cruz: (kisses him passionately) 

Walker: (kisses him back)

Stefan: Um 

Cruz: Oh Ello I'm Cruz Beckham and you are 

Stefan: Stefan Benz

Cruz: Never Heard of ya but any friend of my love is cool (pats him on the back)

Walker: Yeahhhhhhh (can't stop smiling) 

Cruz: Pardon me, I need the loo (kisses him again) See ya around Steven (runs on)

Stefan: It's STEFAN!!! 

Walker: Isn't he great 

Stefan: Why don't you just marry him! 

Walker: Hey! stop that Stefan i'm sorry Cruz a passionate guy

Stefan: Yeah that's one way to put it 

Walker: (kisses him)

Stefan: (kisses him back)

Walker: I care about you Stefan I really do

Stefan: (smiles) Ik its Just hes Cruz Beckham....OMG are you serious

Walker: What?!

Noah: Yo What's Up Walker (kisses him)

Walker: (kisses him back) Mmmmm hiya Schnapp 

Noah: This will be fun, Hey uh Gavin Magnus right 

Stefan: No, I'm Stefan Benz! 

Noah: Right....well see ya (gets on the RV)


Walker: What he's cute and he likes me 

Stefan: (takes a deep breath) It's okay i guess 

Maxwell: (steps out of an Uber) Walker!!!

Walker: Maxy (kisses him)

Maxwell: (kisses him back) Yo Stefan Benz, Whats up!

Stefan: I LIKE THIS ONE (bro hugs him) 

Maxwell: I love your work

Stefan: Same 

Walker: See Friends!!! 

Stefan: No more Netflix cuties please if Finn Wolfhard shows up

Walker: Oh come on, Finn didn't make the cut

Stefan: Wait What!

Hayden: MOM I have to go I... Yes... I love you too... Bye Harlo (closes the door quick) 

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