Chapter 49 (Bring it North)

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At the Airport (September 26th 2020)

Special Guest Starring: Felix Yates 

Max Ferguson

Toby McTurk

Harry Steel

And Oscar Williams 

Cruz: They should be here any minute

Stefan: What if the plan crashes 

Cruz: Love your worrying about nothing 

Stefan: I just need everything to go right for Walker this is his gift and we can't blow it 

Cruz: (kisses him) We won't 

Stefan: Okay (kisses him back) I trust you

Felix: Cruz Beckham you bloody wanker 

Cruz: Felix! (embraces him tightly)

Felix: I love your work my friend 

Stefan: Oh thanks so much (shakes his hand)

Felix: Oh yeah here's my backup  

Max: You Bloody High 

Oscar: Last time I checked we were a band of equals 

Toby: Besides you'd be flat without us you wanker 


Stefan: The Amount of sexy brits in this room 

Max: Just me and Cruz then 

Oscar: OH your a bitch 

Felix: Yeah!!!

Cruz: Boys please, me and Stef will get him there you just see too it that he doesn't see you 

Toby: We got this don't we lads 

Bring It North: FUCK YEAH!!!!

(back at the hotel room)

Zade: Round 14 was the best one yet 

Walker:  You said that about the first 13! (laughs)

Zade: 14 fuckings for your 14th Birthday (laughs) Like your gift

Walker: Best gift so far

Zade: We should get out of here before they notice 

Walker: Yeah 

(they head back to the room)

Noah: Hey friends 

Maxwell: Happy Birthday 

Walker: Awe (kisses him) Where is my Birthday twin

Maxwell: Him and Cruz had to do some urgent business early this morning

Noah: Aka they are fucking somewhere

Chad: They'd know all about that

Parker: Oh guys be nice! so what if they had sex it's his birthday 

Walker: Thank You Parky (kisses him)

Parker: (picks up a bag) I may have gotten you something 

Walker: Parker!!! You didn't 

Parker: I did (embraces him and hands it to him) open it

Walker: (does so) Omg  (pulls out a fancy Leather Jacket)

Parker: I know it's not much 

Walker: (kisses him passionately) No this will be amazing it's getting chilly at night 

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