On The Road in North Carolina (October 18th 2020)
Walker: (wakes up and instantly recognizes a familiar stinging pain) Oh fuck please no (his shirtless self looks in the mirror to see a very bad sunburn) Great
Cruz: Babe ever heard of bloody sunscreen (laughs)
Walker: Laugh it the fuck up Beckham
Cruz: Hey I'm Sorry my love (kisses him passionately)
Walker: (kisses him back)
Stefan: That's gonna peel real bad babe
Walker: I know (kisses him)
Stefan: (kisses him back)
(they sit down and eat)
Parker P: Early tomorrow we will be in DC folks
Parker: It's so exciting....Walker did you forget something yesterday
Walker: Yeah....and I'm paying for it
Parker: Come in here I got something for you
(they go into the bedroom)
Cruz: Think they are gonna fuck
Stefan: I wouldn't doubt it
Cruz: (pulls Stefan into a passionate kiss)
Stefan: (starts making out with him)
Parker: Sunscreen is a very cool device you know
Walker: I know, what's that you got there
Parker: Aloe Vera (starts rubbing it on him)
Walker: (winces in pain)
Parker: Don't be such a baby
Walker: It hurts Parky
Parker: (still rubbing) Do you love me
Walker: Of course I love you
Parker: Like as much as Stefan and Cruz
Walker: What is all this about huh Park
Parker: Everyone seems pretty convinced it will be Stefan or Cruz
Walker: Parker, I am not making any decision anytime soon you stand a great chance....more then a great chance of being the guy I choose (kisses him passionately)
Parker: (starts making out with Walker)
Walker: mmmm Parker
Parker: Yes Walky
Walker: Fuck me
Parker: Yeah you want my alpha to come out
Walker: Yes make it hurt
Parker: As you wish
Walker: Oh hell yes
Parker P: Driving is such fun...(smiles) Next Stop Washington DC
Oh the things that go down in this RV, I hope you are enjoying let me know in the comment section down below, thanks
Walker Bryant and the Road Trip of Love
RomansSequel to Walker Bryant's Gay Awakening Walker has chosen 10 boys to be his potential boyfriend, they go around the country in an RV being Driven by Parker Pannell, will Walker find his true love on this trip or will he revert back to his old ways.