Chapter 74 (On The Road Once Again)

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On The Road in North Carolina (October 18th 2020)

Walker: (wakes up and instantly recognizes a familiar stinging pain) Oh fuck please no (his shirtless self looks in the mirror to see a very bad sunburn) Great 

Cruz: Babe ever heard of bloody sunscreen (laughs)

Walker: Laugh it the fuck up Beckham 

Cruz: Hey I'm Sorry my love (kisses him passionately)

Walker: (kisses him back)

Stefan: That's gonna peel real bad babe

Walker: I know (kisses him)

Stefan: (kisses him back) 

(they sit down and eat) 

Parker P: Early tomorrow we will be in DC folks 

Parker: It's so exciting....Walker did you forget something yesterday 

Walker: Yeah....and I'm paying for it 

Parker: Come in here I got something for you 

(they go into the bedroom)

Cruz: Think they are gonna fuck

Stefan: I wouldn't doubt it 

Cruz: (pulls Stefan into a passionate kiss) 

Stefan: (starts making out with him) 


Parker: Sunscreen is a very cool device you know 

Walker: I know, what's that you got there 

Parker: Aloe Vera (starts rubbing it on him)

Walker: (winces in pain) 

Parker: Don't be such a baby 

Walker: It hurts Parky 

Parker:  (still rubbing) Do you love me

Walker: Of course I love you 

Parker: Like as much as Stefan and Cruz 

Walker: What is all this about huh Park 

Parker: Everyone seems pretty convinced it will be Stefan or Cruz 

Walker: Parker, I am not making any decision anytime soon you stand a great chance....more then a great chance of being the guy I choose (kisses him passionately) 

Parker: (starts making out with Walker)

Walker: mmmm Parker

Parker: Yes Walky 

Walker: Fuck me 

Parker: Yeah you want my alpha to come out 

Walker: Yes make it hurt 

Parker: As you wish 

Walker: Oh hell yes 


Parker P: Driving is such fun...(smiles) Next Stop Washington DC 

Oh the things that go down in this RV, I hope you are enjoying let me know in the comment section down below, thanks 


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