Chapter 50 (Backstage)

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Backstage (September 26th 2020)

Special Guest Starring: Felix Yates

Max Ferguson 

Toby McTurk

Harry Steel 

And Oscar Williams 

(Walker, Cruz and Stefan go backstage)

Oscar: Welcome Mates 

Max: Backstage access aren't you lot lucky

Felix: Cruzy Here wanted to make sure this is a birthday to remember 

Toby: Say Harry, guard the door

Harry: You got it (leaves) 

Cruz: Have fun you two

Felix: Uh uh uh you stay 

Max: Have a seat friends 

(they do) 

Felix: Maxy what should we start with

Max: I'm not sure Fel? Tob?

Toby: Hmmm I have an Idea but Oscar hbu 

Oscar: I think we are on the same bloody wave link 

(the four bandmates nod to each other and then remove their shirts) 

Walker: (jaw drops) My Favorite Band....shirtless

Stefan: They are super hot

Cruz: I Know right 

Max: Say Felix there are four of us go pick a lucky schmuck

Felix: (goes out)

Toby: Be prepared for your word to be rocked (rubs Walkers crotch)

Walker: Smirks

Oscar: That was quick

Felix: This one looked Eager (he brings in Ryan!!)

Ryan: Holy Bring it north 

Felix: (kisses him passionately)

Ryan: (kisses him back) 

Toby: (grabs Cruz and Kisses him)

Cruz: (kisses him back)

Oscar:  (kisses Stefan)

Stefan: (kisses him back)

Max: Looks like I get the best

Walker: Same (they start making out)

Walker, Stefan, Cruz and Ryan have their shirts removed from their chests, and everyone just starts making out with their Partner. Walker is just in utter shock and hardly notices when Oscar grabs him and starts french kissing him as the bandmates switch things up. Walker gets super into and just when he thinks he's gotten the hang of it, Felix pulls him into a passionate kiss which he of course reciprocates. and then Toby does the exact same.  and then randomly 

Felix:  Hit it!

Music Starts

Oscar: I made it through the wilderness, Somehow I made it through, Didn't know how lost I was, Until I found you (grinds against Walker)

Toby: I was beat, Incomplete, I'd been had, I was sad and blue (rubs Cruz's Abs) 

Felix: But you made me feel, Yeah, you made me feel, Shiny and new (smacks Stefan's ass) 

Max:  Hoo, like a virgin, Touched for the very first time, Like a virgin, When your heart beats, Next to mine (plays with Ryans nips) 

Oscar: Gonna give you all my love, boy My fear is fading fast Been saving it all for you 'Cause only love can last (rips Cruz's pants and boxers off) 

Felix:  You're so fine And you're mine Make me strong, yeah you make me bold Oh your love thawed out Yeah, your love thawed out What was scared and cold (rips Ryans pants and boxers off)

Max: Like a virgin, hey Touched for the very first time Like a virgin With your heartbeat Next to mine (rips Stefan's pants and boxers off)

Toby: Whoa Whoa, ah Whoa (rips Walker's pants and boxers off)

All: You're so fine And you're mine I'll be yours 'Til the end of time 'Cause you made me feel Yeah, you... (they start sucking the boys) 

Music ends

Walker Moans in pleasure as Toby starts sucking his dick with such ease. after a bit Felix swaps spots with him then, Oscar then Max. This is a great birthday gift for him and Stefan. Stefan is loving this just as much if not more than Walker.  The Bring it north boys all lean on their back  let their legs spread wide and tell the lads to do them. Ryan is first to act he starts fucking Toby. Cruz starts fucking Felix, Stefan starts fucking Oscar and Walker Starts fucking Max. This such an amazing event Walker says he wants  to fuck each boy so they do rotations he goes to Toby, then Oscar, then Felix before fucking each lad he gives their 7 inch cocks a big lick . Then  the bandmates all stand up form a line pick a boy and cum in their mouths, Walker and his lads do the same to the bandmates then everyone starts making out with everyone so they can get a taste of everyone's delicious sperm.

Walker: This was a great gift guys 

Stefan: Seriously good job Cruz he did most of the work 

Cruz: Oh bitch please it was all Stefan's Idea. 

Ryan: I'm happy that I got to be here!!!

Oscar: Well Mates that was fun

Toby: Very fun

Felix: If only we had more time 

Max: But alas our plane leaves at midnight 

Harry: We done in their 

Max: Yeah Mate

Walker: Maybe our paths will cross again someday 

Oscar: If we are lucky (each boy kisses him as they leave)

Walker: (gets dressed) Let's get going guys

(they exit) 

Maxwell: Did you just

Noah: They So did!

Stephen: Lucky Fucks 

Parker: Yeah I want a go 

Prestyn: Next time I guess

Zade: (wraps his arm around Walker) Happy Birthday again 

Walker: Thanks Zade

(The group have some dessert before returning to the hotel) 

I hope you guys enjoyed Walker's Birthday celebration with Bring it North, let me know your thoughts in the comment section down below thanks


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