VI - A Heavy Hitter

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I woke up gasping for air after another brutal nightmare. I can't seem to have a good dream anymore. The day was the same as yesterday, a BLT and a steak dinner. Sleep, nightmare, repeat. The next day was a BLT and steak dinner. Each night I felt myself getting bigger as it became harder for me to lift parts of my body. Tonight, I could no longer lift up my stomach. I estimated myself to be 365 pounds. My thighs were now rubbed against each other so tightly that I could feel my leg bones moving apart. My arms became so thick that my forearm was as thick as my head, which was just shaved again today. I became tired much quicker today and fell asleep to start day four of the BLT diet.
I was underwater, in control of my body. I could see clearly, and everything was beautiful. I was a seal, for the first time. I saw the sand sloping upwards and headed towards it. I approached the shore as I bounded upon the beach. I could feel myself bouncing up and down as I moved closer towards the seals resting there. As I move closer I smell something off towards the seals. I moved up and next to one of the seals, and on the other side—she was bludgeoned to death, her guts spilled out everywhere, blood pouring out from her belly. I became sick to my stomach.
"Hey there, big blubber," I heard as I felt a sharp tool dive into my back, I winced back in pain but couldn't move as the blade was too deep. I was rolled over by the human as he pulled the pickaxe out of my back. He smiled at me and lunged the pickaxe straight into my heart, and everything went black.
I awoke on day four to a BLT sandwich in front of me, when Dr. Lambrick said something strange. "It's a sad life, isn't it?" She said, "All those poor seals not given a chance to live their lives fully, being cut short by humans. Your species is dying rapidly, Vivien. They are in desperate need of your help."
Did she just, read my nightmare? I thought. "Yeah, it's sad... Will that happen to me?" I asked, trembling, but also eating.
"It very well could, but we're placing you in a location that is known for being a peaceful landing for seal propagation. You will mate there and only there." She told me.
"Dr. Lambrick, could you do something for me?" I asked her.
"That depends on what it is." She answered.
"My legs are being pressed together from these restraints, and my legs are becoming too big to comfortably sit together. Can my feet be spread apart some?" I asked politely.
"Yeah, sure thing." She said smiling at me; that was a first. She had one of the mechanics dive in the water and turn some ratchet which slowly moved my feet apart. I could feel my skin peeling off each other, which was a huge relief. I thanked her and she gave me the rest of the day to myself, which was normal, and then, on cue at eight o'clock, the steak dinner came. I ate it without restrain and was left to my own devices yet again. I made it a routine to check the same parts of my body to see if they've gotten bigger. By morning tomorrow I'm supposed to weigh 395 pounds, so I checked my stomach, still couldn't lift it, I jiggled my thighs, which still slightly touched each other. Lastly I checked my tits, which seemed to have changed the most. They seemed to have gotten bigger, and flapped farther down than they used to. I could still lift them, but it was a little tricky. After my little check-up I would be exhausted, and fall asleep
quickly. Day five was the same, wake up, eat, wait, eat, check-up, 425, sleep. Day six, wake up, eat, wait, eat, check-up, 455, sleep. Day seven, wake up, eat, wait, eat, check-up, 485, then, before I went to bed, Dr. Lambrick walked in the room to tell me how much I weighed.
"Okay, Vivien, last week you weight 275 pounds. If the serum and diet worked the way they should have you should be at 485 pounds," She says as she checks her computer and gasps, "Vivien, you... you weigh 528 pounds. Nearly 40 pounds more than you should weigh! This is great news, girl! We might be finished with this stage sooner than expected! Next week we're changing the meals, judging by the diet, you should gain 280 pounds by the end of it, which will set you at 808 pounds. You may be ready in as little as two weeks!" She said. I was shellshocked. I weighed 528 pounds! I felt proud of myself for gaining that much. I did a small celebration dance and then became exhausted. She left the room and I fell into a deep, rewarding sleep.

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