XI - Time for Class

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I wasn't tired and didn't plan on sleeping tonight. So I figured that I would try to master the art of undulation. I start my getting used to my new body, which took some time. I flapped my flippers a bunch, slapping them against myself and the sand. I try to move my hind flipper up of the sand, which I can do, but it doesn't get me anywhere. Maybe I need to start from somewhere else... I thought. I tried lunging my head forwards, pressing my fore flippers into the sand, and lifting up my pelvis. I manage to move forward by an inch or two, but the first inch is the hardest. I realize that I must have done something right, so I try again. Lunge my head, press my flippers, and lift my pelvis. Another inch. Then, I try using my shoulders for extra lunging force. So, I lunge my head and shoulders, press my flippers, and lift my pelvis all at the same time. I moved forward about eight or nine inches. Nailed it. I thought. This is how I do it, lunge, press, lift, lunge, press, lift. I practice this for about an hour. I got to the point where I could do several lunges in a single session, so if I kept at it, I could be a professional by morning. So, I continued. I kept lunging, pressing, and lifting until I could do it without thinking about it. It only took about seven hours of work, but at that point, I was dead tired and flopped down on the beach and passed out.
I was on the beach, I looked down and saw my flippers, I was me. I saw all the other seals relaxing and enjoying life so I bound on over to join them. I lay flat and stare off in the distance, seeing the vast ocean ahead, no anxieties, no worries, just pleasure.
My eyes slowly drift closed as I hear a great big plop down behind me. I turn my neck to see a large seal staring me down. He moves his body over mine and entraps me in his manliness. He presses his flippers down over me and prepared himself for entrance. I open myself to him and invite him inside. He plunges his cock deep inside of me. I silently shake in a wave of pleasure as my eyes drift closed as he thrusts himself further into me.
I was no longer rejecting him, I was lustful for him. I wanted to have his pups. As I feel him thrust again he climaxes into me, filling me up with our children. My pussy is oozing of pleasure as my head falls flat and I drift to a warm, rewarding sleep.
I wake up to the sound of Dr. Lambrick's voice, "Wake up honey, it's time to start your lessons." I look up at her in a displeased gaze as I realize that she wasn't the one of my dreams. I begrudgingly lift my head up and look at Dr. Lambrick attentively.
"Today we will start your first lesson, undulation." She opens as I begin to laugh, but all that comes out are some growls mixed with barks. "What's the matter dear, are you all right?" She rushes to me in concern. I rest my flipper on her arm and push her away in a friendly manner. She backs away and I start bounding around the dome. She looks down at me with disbelief. "Wow girl! When did you learn how to do that?" She asked me, "Did you stay up late and train yourself?" I barked and tilted my head a little, which she understood as a yes. "Okay, then I guess we don't need to go through lesson one then, do we?" I barked twice and then tilted my head, the universal seal of disapproval. "Okay then, lesson two, swimming. I bet you didn't try that yet did you?" She asks me. I give her the seal of disapproval and she chuckles. "Well, baby seals learn by hopping in the water and trying not to drown, so that's how you will learn as well. Go ahead and bound on into the water." She gestures at the water. So, I make my way over to the water and slide on in. I imagine the way a mermaid would swim and try mimicking that. I flap my hind flippers up and down and propel myself up to the surface of the water. I put my flippers out and tread the water for a few seconds as Dr. Lambrick praises me. "Good girl, Vivien! I'm so proud of you! Tell you what, this little pond is a bit small for a seal of your caliber. What do you say we go out to our backyard lake and you can practice deep sea swimming out there?" She asks. I give her the seal of approval and she smiled and leaves the terrarium. She walks over to the microphone and presses a button. "Okay, girl. I just opened the hatch to go to the lake. This might be tough for you, the hatch is four feet wide so you'll have enough room. You can hold your breath for two hours but let's start with 20 seconds. Ready? Go!" She says as I take a deep breath and dive under. I can see the hatch clear as day and I swim through the hole and continue through it. I keep swimming as I hear the hatch closing behind me. I emerge out of the tube and go straight to the surface of the lake to see a beach, Dr. Lambrick, and about twenty other scientists all staring at me.
"Ladies and gentlemen, meet Vivien, our new seal, soon to repopulate her species! Give her a round of applause everyone!" She says, and, with it, concluding lesson two.

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