Ninety days later, I stopped seeing the influx of males on the beach. Ninety days of hard sex well spent. I began counting the days since it happened so I would know when it was coming again. 1. I said to myself.
-=- Seven Months Later -=-
232. I start the day by finding myself something to eat, I chow down on some fish that I see while swimming. The taste I've come to love and favor. Some fish taste far better than others, which leads to me sparing some fish and hunting down others. After my fifth fish, I feel an intense pain in my gut. I swim back to the shore and bound onto the beach. I see many of my sisters and some of them nurturing beautiful black pups. I put two and two together and realize that I am going into labor. I find a good spot on the beach and lay on my side. A contraction surges throughout my muscles as I loathe in intense pain.
Contraction after contraction with no sign of a pup, they begin to get more intense. This is it, Viv, you can do this. I thought to myself as I pushed as hard as I could. Another contraction surged through my muscles as I pushed again. They become stronger. One more contraction pulsates through my muscles, the strongest one yet. I push as hard as I possibly can, this time I feel my pup coming out. I give one last push as my pup emerges from within me. I turn around and see my beautiful baby. Covered in blood and membrane, I get close to it and watch it. It struggles as it peels itself out of the membrane, but it manages to escape it. It turns to look at me as I look back at it. I lean to my side as he bites onto one of my nipples and begins feeding. I lay out and await for it to finish. It finishes feeding and lays out. I check its rear and see a freshly developed vagina. My daughter. I thought. Now I needed to name her. Azrael. I thought, instantly loving it. I look down at my daughter as she looks back up at me. We instantly form a motherly bond that nothing, not even a great white shark, could ever break.

Seal of Approval
FantasiaChristian's life is pretty meaningless, he's a freeloader who spent his youth getting into trouble. Troubled by depression and anxiety, he finds his way in the hands of MAY Labs, he volunteers to become an arctic sea mammal.