I woke up on my big day. It didn't take more than a second to realize I wasn't alone in here. Dr. Lambrick and three other scientists were with her. She smiled at me, noticing I was awake. "Here we have Vivien, our female elephant seal, soon to be of course. She is about to begin her second stage of transformation. She fought valiantly for weeks to gain the weight required for the transformation. She currently weighs 1,037 pounds. At the end of her transformation she will be nearly 1,500 pounds. I need your help to prepare her for her big change, which requires she be on her stomach. Will you help me flip her?" She asks the scientists. They both agree as six other men walk into the room. All ten of them work to push me over, which I assist by trying to lean to the side. They succeed and I fall over on my side. They pick up the scale and move it somewhere I can't see. They then grab my shoulder, arm, leg, and neck and try to lift me back up, but they can't do it. They call four more men in, who grab inside my other arm and lift up. Together, all fourteen of them manage to lift me back up sitting upright again. I saw the scale was near my feet and to the right. They coordinate to rotate me to the left so that I'm parallel with the shore of the water. With some grunts and huffs, they manage to rotate me. They ask me to lie back, which I do.
Dr. Lambrick tells me the last thing I need to do is roll over on my stomach. But I can't focus on her voice because I can't breathe. Not like this. I thought. I didn't gain 900 pounds just to die like this. Deep breaths, I told myself, as I began to asphyxiate, I try taking deep breaths as the fourteen of them rush to push me over. They all grab me with all of their hands and lift me on my side. I can breathe again, but I'm catching my breath as scarcely as I can throw it out. They all then put their hands on my back and push me over on to the scale. I can breathe again, but I now see the world as sand. I can't turn my head to see anything other than the sand. "Thank you," I murmur through the sand as I catch my breath.
"Okay, Vivien, you're about to begin your transformation, but we'll give you a minute to get ready for it. Just let me know when you are ready and I'll inject it, okay?" She tells me.
"Okay, I'm ready. Let's roll." I said to her.
"Good. Here we go." She says.

Seal of Approval
FantasyChristian's life is pretty meaningless, he's a freeloader who spent his youth getting into trouble. Troubled by depression and anxiety, he finds his way in the hands of MAY Labs, he volunteers to become an arctic sea mammal.