Take A Break

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Author's Note: Hey there it's been awhile! I haven't been updating this as much as I usually do because I've been working on another book ;) I also have school to deal with now so yay me :(

I also want to apologize in advance because lately I feel like my writing style has begun to change and I still haven't gotten it quite right yet so this might feel a little weird or choppy. Anyways enjoy!

Your POV

"Y/N, he's doing it again."

     You sighed and glanced up from your phone to see Iida and a few of your other classmates huddled outside your dorm room. 

"Again? This is the third time this week!" 

The class rep frowned, "I know, but you're the only person he listens to. So could you please?"  

     You closed your eyes for a moment and ran a hand through your hair, already knowing what needed to be done. 

"Where is he?" 

"He's just outside the dorms. You can't miss him," Kirishima answered. 

     You nodded and began making your way downstairs, moving past your classmates who cast you sympathetic glances. At this point you weren't even surprised anymore. You'd done this hundreds of times. 

     Something had once again put your boyfriend on edge, and for him, the only way he knew how to express his emotions was through overworking himself into exhaustion. One of these days I should get him into journaling. I think that would be way better than these late night training sessions of his...

     You smiled inwardly to yourself at the thought as you put on a jacket. It was kind of chilly outside, so the faster you got this over with the less you'd have to worry about freezing to death. 

     You opened the door and stepped out into the cold air, being met with the sound of crashing ice and roaring fire. There in the center of it all was none other than Todoroki. 

"Shoto," you stated as you strolled across the front lawn, "don't you think this is a bit... excessive?"

"Nothing you say will make me stop," he replied sharply.

You flinched, "I know something's bothering you. Why don't we go inside and talk about it?" 

     He turned and gave you a look. Okay wow... so maybe that won't work.

You decided to default to another one of your tactics, "I'm not going to give up until you tell me what's wrong." 

"Then you're wasting your time," he growled, his left side bursting into flame. 

     Right away you could tell that this was probably the worst you'd ever seen him. It was probably going to take more than just gentle coaxing to get him to calm down. Maybe you'd have to try something new.

You sighed defeatedly, "Fine. Keep training then, but at least let me join you." 

     You proceeded to shake off your jacket, letting it slide to the ground and earning yourself a confused look from the half and half teen. You figured if he wasn't willing to deal with his problems your way, then you would try using his way. 

"What? Did you really think I was just going to stand there?" you teased, tying up your hair. 

"No," he replied bluntly. 

"Good. Then let's get started shall we?" 

     Inhaling the frigid air through your lungs, you took a deep breath and activated your quirk, expelling bursts of shadow that sent shockwaves running down your spine. It felt good to let loose like this, and you were beginning to understand why Todoroki preferred training as an outlet.

     You smiled and looked up at the half and half teen who hadn't moved or said anything. Clearly, he wasn't expecting this and you knew that. He wasn't expecting you to try and understand. 

     Without another thought, you launched into a dumbed down version of your most basic attack, hoping to catch him off guard. Despite "letting loose," you still had to hold some amount of control as you were still next to the dorms and not in an official UA training ground. 

     You shook your head, clearing your thoughts, as Todoroki dodged your assault effortlessly and proceeded to send a barrage of ice your way. You quickly responded by forming a shield of shadow to protect yourself, and made another move to counterattack to which he dodged again. It seemed that neither of you were willing to back down. 

     Eventually, after about thirty minutes of continuing back and forth like this, the two of you finally collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. Instead of sweat, steam was rising from your body and you could've sworn the air was still sizzling with energy. 

"Here, let me help you," Todoroki rasped, holding an outstretched hand towards you.

You smiled and took it as he hoisted you up off the ground, "Thank you Sho."

"No, thank you," he replied softly. 

     You stayed like that for awhile, his hand still holding yours before you gave it a gentle squeeze. 

"Feeling better?" you hummed, tilting your head to the side in a playful manner. 

     He shrugged and tugged your hand to bring you closer making your cheeks flush red from his boldness. 

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, a similar blush appearing on his face. "I shouldn't have snapped like that earlier." 

You smiled, throwing your arms around him, "You know I forgive you." 

     Slowly but surely you felt his arms wrap around your waist as he awkwardly returned the gesture. Even though he wasn't one for PDA, he still always tried to show you some form of physical affection. 

"Hey Shoto," you said, although your voice was muffled by his shirt.


"Let's try journaling sometime." 

Author's Note: So yes this is just fluff, but I thought it was a cute scenario I thought of at like 11 pm last night. 

Also, I do have a book and I promise it's somewhat close to being done! I know most Wattpad authors release chapters as they're created, but I really wanted to make sure every chapter really flowed into the next. This meant that I wanted to be able to go back and make changes without having to do the whole "Hey guys so I edited this chapter" Stuff (not that there's anything wrong with that). Thank you for your patience and of course...

Stay Safe Everyone <3

P.S. - The book is Haikyuu themed and it's an x Reader with a very special someone ;) 

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