Beach Day - Part 3

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"It's not so bad once you get in the water Y/N! So if you change your mind soon, feel free to come join us!" 

You smiled, "I'll think about it Mina." 

     Of course, your smile faded as soon as she looked away. You knew getting in the water would be fun but... in order to do that you would have to take off your sweatshirt revealing the skimpy bathing suit underneath. Plus you had agreed to watch everyone's stuff, and that would be hard if you were constantly getting knocked around by the waves every five seconds. 

It is getting pretty hot though, especially with the sun...

     You huffed as another bead of sweat began to trace lines down your neck and back. Despite being in the shade, it felt like you were burning up. I could really go for a nice iced water right now. That would be awesome. 

"Hey Mina!" you yelled making sure you had her attention, "I'm gonna go get a drink. Does anyone else want anything?" 

"I think we're all okay for now, but be careful!" she replied. 

"I will thank you!" 

     After quickly hiding everyone's bags under a towel, you slung your purse over your shoulder to stand up and... stopped. The world seemed to spin a bit as your stomach did a flip. I think I just have low iron right now, you thought. 

     You paused for a moment to steady yourself against the umbrella, your heart thudding against your chest. You sighed. This was probably just a sign of dehydration or whatever. Shaking your head, you began to stroll across the sand. It looked like the nearest drink stand was a short walk away which was the perfect amount of time to stop feeling flushed. Right? 

Suddenly a group of little kids ran in front of you.

"Excuse me miss!" they yelled in unison. 

     You stopped dead in your tracks, coming to a sudden halt as your head spun once more. You couldn't see straight at all and you felt sticky with sweat. But I'm so close... you thought as you spotted the drink stand in the distance. 

     In sheer stubbornness and determination, you tightened your jaw and willed your leg forward to take another step but it felt as if you moved in slow motion. Was your sweatshirt getting heavier? It felt like a thick blanket of wool draped over your body. Spots began to dance in front of your vision, I think I need to lie down...

     Before you knew it, you were falling. Or you were standing? Which way was up? Which way was down? Everything was still. No, everything was moving. You felt your body hit something, and then everything went dark. 

Short Time Skip

"Y/N... you... okay?" 

"Do... should get... Mr. Aizawa?" 

Are those voices? What am I-

A cold chill suddenly ran down your spine, making your eyelids flutter open. 

You sucked down a breath, "W...What happened?" 

A pair of heterochromatic eyes looked down at you, "Y/N? Are you okay?" 

You sighed, "Is it obvious that I'm not?" 

"I mean... you just fainted," Midoriya replied. 

"I... fainted?" you repeated suddenly becoming hyperaware of everything around you. 

"Yeah, Todoroki caught you." 

     You immediately sat up and blushed, despite feeling light headed. So that was what that cold chill was...

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