Safe Haven- II

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"Serkan Look at me."

Holding his face gently she urged him to meet her eyes. But she wasn't prepared for the pain almost palpable in those grey blue orbs. Those eyes that always shone with unmitigated confidence, were so vulnerable now. Even though there were no tears in his eyes, she recognized the agony of his heart.
"Serkan do you want to talk about it" , she asked whilst softly caressing his cheeks with the pad of her thumbs.

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, letting the warmth of her hands spread through his being, as he strived to regain his composure. Gently grasping her hands in his, he brought them down in his lap but didn't let go. The feel of her hand in his , her thumb drawing circles on the dorsum of his hands urged him to let go of himself a little.
" I... I had a b-brother. He was someone who was my only source of solace. I have always been an unwanted child. He was my anchor.  He- " , his voice broke. The painful lump in his throat made him unable to continue. Eda got up from the floor and took place beside him on the couch, one hand soothingly rubbing his back up and down while the other squeezed his hand giving him time to gather himself. She knew even if it was this hard on him to revisit those harsh moments, he wanted to open up a little and be able to breathe. Knowing him he probably has never shared this with anyone. Interlocking his fingers with her's , he tried to calm his breathing.
" Whenever I was scared of anything, he shielded me. He was only 7 years older to me. He caressed my head with love, he ever took me on his shoulders. All of which my father didn't do, he did it for me. Then there was a day. My 5th birthday. I... "
He inhaled deeply. His voice hoarse.
" I by mistake ruined an important meeting of my father. Everything was blurry after that. One moment I was in front of my father, the next I found myself running out of that house. There were a lot of voices calling after me and then..."

"Serkan devam etme." Slowly rubning his arm she let him regain his composure.

"Where is the first aid kit? " She asked while standing up.

He got up leading the way to the bedroom. "There" , sitting down on the bed he pointed towards the drawer. Taking out the box Eda sat beside him. His right hand had a shallow glass cut while knuckles of left hand were bruised. Her blowing on his hands brought him out of reverie. He looked at her, her eyebrows knitted together while her forehead frowned in worry. He lightly smoothed the frowns with the tumb of his right hand. She looked up at him in surprise asking him with her eyes. He just gazed deeply in her eyes without saying anything. Those brown orbs always tugged at his heart just like right now. They spoke volumes to him. He shared a different connection with her eyes. But right now he couldn't figure out the semblance of emotion in them. His head felt delirious while his eyes were heavy. He put his forehead on her shoulder, head down.
"Serkan iyi misin. " She asked in worry.
He just mumbled sleep.
"Then lie down properly. Let me cook something for us." He just hummed in response as she helped him put his head on the pillow and covered him with quilt.

She got up putting the kit back at its place and drew the curtains together. She paddled downstairs to the kitchen. There were some Veggies and chicken. She decided to make some soup.
It took her almost an hour to get it done. Putting the tray on the side table she called out his name and to open the curtains. It was almost sunset. Looking back at him he hadn't moved an inch.
"Serkan uyanmak. Come let's eat."
He stirred and opened his eyes but immediately closed up. He seemed in pain.
" Sekan ne oldu? Iyi misin? "
" My head is throbbing." He replied while pressing his hand onto his forehead. Eda stepped forward and touched his forehead. It was warm, too warm. He is having fever. She went to take thermometer and checked him Temperature. 104°F. It's really high.
"Serkan come you need to take shower. Your fever is really high."
" Hayır. It... will go." He spoke with great difficulty.
" Serkan hayır. Take shower and medication. It might exacerbate. Hadyi."
She put an arm his shoulders with hand supportive the back of his head and helped him to sit up. Throwing his left arm over her shoulder she took him to the washroom. Thankfully his washroom had everything. There was a tiled stool in fron of the wall. She helped him to sit on it and adjust the water temperature.
Right now asking him to do anything would be in vain. She held the hem of his T-Shirt and took it off. The next she took off his belt. Pants can stay. At any other moment his naked torso would make her heartbeat erratically but right now her care for him overpowered her every sense. Switching on the shower she held is face with one hand while the other went in his hair. She gently caressed his forehead with her thumb, the his eyebrows. She couldn't help but  commit every detail to her memory. Now his closed eyelids. There were times she never wanted him to open those eyes for the power they hold over her was dangerous for her health. The very moment these eyes eyes meet her's, she surrenders. Fluttering. His hands loosely circling her waist. "Cold" he whispered while nuzzling his face on her abdomen. "It's been only 3 minutes. Two minutes more Serkan."
Humming he pushed his face more into her. She directed the shower to his shoulders and abdomen. Disentangling his arms from around her waist she supported his head back on the wall.
"Let me get to you a robe and dry trousers."
Coming back with the said things she asked whether he can change into trousers. As mubled okay, giving him the the trousers, she turned her back to him.
She turned around once he was done and helped him into his robe. Getting back to the room she settled him in.a propped up position. She went reheat the now cold soup. After making him drink it and the medication she was about to stand him when held her wrist.
"Gitme. Stay."

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