History, Announcements, Texting (Chapter 5)

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Chapter 5

"Good morning...and welcome to your first lesson of the year" my history teacher announces

Everyone stands up and replies with a "Good Morning", sounding synchronized, like a military group. I like history, but i don't remember everyone sounding so in-sync during a history lesson.

"These seats will be your permanent seats for the rest of the year" Well he sounds cheery...

Wait. Crap.

I have to sit next to Jake.
I put my hand to my face, brushing some of my black hair off it and leaving space for my hand. Angry, my spine shivers and my face feels warm. My head is positioned to look at the floor, but instead i hold my phone in my hand, texting everyone in our skype group chat:

VenticaGurl: Guys, help me, there is a new kid in my form ad now he has to sit next to me
KaytheTribute: Are you serious? Dang, he didn't take my place did he? TELL ME HE DIDN'T!
AlextheCareer: He probably did, you know transfers, we were all transfers once.
SophiexLen: =^.^= Well thank goodness i'm not in this chaos, imma just listen to Len-kun singing...
AlyssaluvsBexi: Sophie you are so obsessed
AmandathePanda: Calm down Bexi xD
VenticaGurl: you always use that face amanda -w-
VenticaGurl: and where is Jasper?
KaytheTribute: Remember he isn't in our history class x)

Yes i did forget...Jasper isn't in any of my classes..

"Mhhm, your friends seem cool" I hear a voice whisper in my ear "Especially that Sophie girl" I see a hand holding another phone near mine
"You want to exchange numbers? Seriously?" I look around to see that it is Jake
"Yea" He replies quickly

"Fine.." I groan. We exchange numbers and get his Skype name.

"Miss Ventica, i would rather you not talk in my class" I hear the History teacher shout..
"Sorry sir.." I mutter...

For half an hour, sir talks about the Spanish Armada and how they had alot of warships, however, Queen Elizabeth the I had 130 fishing ships but still won with pure luck. Was it really pure luck? Or strategy?

I go on my phone again to see a spam of messages:

AlyssaluvsBexi: WHERE DID BEXI GO ;w;
JakeyVampz: I killed her
KaytheTribute: She is right next to me
AlextheCareer: Must be the transfer >:3
SophiexLen: ^3^ I still prefer Len Kagamine
AmandathePanda: xD
JaspertheBeanieMan: Transfer? What the hell?
JakeyVampz: BEANIE MAN!?!? :D
VenticaGurl: Guys shut up and hi Jasper ^)^
TeaJayD: Hai Guys =D

I turn off my phone and write notes on the lecture that Sir keeps talking about, ignoring the spam messages that keep arriving on my phone.
Abruptly, the bell goes off early and alot of messages come onto my phone:

AlextheCareer: Fire bell?
SophiexLen: FIRE?!?
AmandathePanda: CALM DOWN GUYS
TeaJayD: :-:
KaytheTribute: x(
JaspertheBeanieMan: I am in a different class guys i feel lonely ;-; AND WHY IS THE FIRE BELL ON??
JakeyVampz: >:)
VenticaGurl: Calm down Guys, that is the assembly bell...am i the only one who knows this?

Everyone stands up and lines up at the door, waiting for Sir to tell us to go to the assembly hall. Me and the others stand near each other, me at the back with Jake in front of me. I lean on the wall, waiting for sir to tell us to go to the hall, then someone pulls my arm as i keep daydreaming. Jake.
I grit my teeth, not wanting to thank Jake for getting me out of my daydream.

We all arrive at the assembly hall, standing up, waiting for the headmistress to come up onto the stage...

"Welcome, welcome!" I see an adult, looking in her 20's, come up to the stage
"Welcome to Kylan Academy for the super talented...!" I hear her squeal.

Not another perky teacher...

"Now now, quiet down or you won't hear the announcements! Now to begin with.."
Everyone quiets down.

"Tomorrow will be the 'beginning of year' ball for all the second years as tonight is the ball for the first years, because of this, after period 2, you will be going home early. This means that the lessons will be changed for today. Outside, will be the lessons for each class. They will be split up. So for the second years, you will stay in your form groups" She goes quiet

Form groups.
Kayley and..

Why do i have bad luck today?

"and that is all for today's announcement!" She finishes off in a perky mood.

Our class goes out first, looking at the board.

2-A (Alexander and Sophie) = Geography
2-B (Me, Kayley and Jake) = P.E

Yes...P.E! The one subject that no one can beat me at..

2-C (Amanda and Alyssa) = Art
2-D (Jasper) = Woodwork

I look to my left, seeing Kayley a bit down. I sympathize for her since she isnt with Alexander. They have known each other since they were toddlers and haven't been seperated too much apart from form time.

"I hope you have a P.E kit Jake" I chuckle
"Oh i do, Rebecca" He smirks
"It's Bexi, not Rebecca" I reply
"LOOK AT THE LOVEBIRDS" I hear Kayley giggle

We won't be lovebirds...but rivals now...

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