Transfer, new seats, Hell (Chapter 4)

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Chapter 4

"My name is Jake...just Jake, a pleasure to meet you all" The transfer grins.

All the girls start fangirling because they think that he is handsome, but im my opinion, he is just a tad cute.

The way his brown, curly hair goes over his left eye, giving that mysterious look to his face.
The way his sapphire eyes reflect the light hitting them.

Wait what the crap?

I look out the window again, staring at the courtyard, the circle of bushes and the lake in the middle. Only 9:05am i think to myself. Only 10 minutes of this hell left. I would rather be in maths with my friends than this. But Miss Monroe teaches maths...

and i don't want to be near that woman any long-

"Can the form representatives from last year come up please and introduce themselves?" Miss says..

Dang you miss...she smirks at does she know everything?

I put on my black glasses and stand up along with my classmate, Teagan Dawson, Gabrielles gives me the death stare which tells me that she has already fallen for this Jake guy. I walk through the aisles, going up to the front of the classroom, behind Teagan. As i walk up to the front, Maddie's foot makes me trip, however, i just balance on one leg.

"Very impressive Otaku" I hear her say

Jake gives her a death stare...why is he giving her the death stare? Is he an otaku as well...?

Knowing that she hates me, i glare at her to send back my hate. I keep walking to the front of the class.

"Hello Jake, my name is Teagan Dawson, it is a pleasure to have a new transfer here" Teagan is too great with words. A true form rep. My eyes glance to her black mid-length hair, a darker shade of black than mine. Coal black. My hair is Onyx black. Teagan's hand and Jake's hand are held together, them shaking hands, it feels like hours but it has only been 3 minutes. She walks back down the aisle and i smile at her. I see that she wears a green t-shirt with what looks like Amaimon from an anime that i haven't watched with black jeans.

I walk up to Jake and glance at him. He also wears Black jeans with a grey top saying 'Don't mess with me'. Over it, he wears a navy blue bodywarmer. He wears black sneakers and a grey beanie on his head.

"Nice to meet you" I raise my hand out "My name is Rebecca Ventica"

Suddenly he stiffens and stares at me with those big blue eyes.

"Don't stare at me..." I whisper in his ear "and don't mess with me either"

We shake hands and i walk back to my seat. Why does everyone stiffen when they hear my name?

"Now Jake, there are two options" Miss Monroe says "you can either sit next to Gaab or Rebecca"

"JAKE SIT NEXT TO MEEEEEEEE~~!" I hear Gaab scream

He looks at her with disgust and walks to me, sitting in the chair next to me. I plant my face on my desk.


I hear the chimes of the bell ring.

Finally i am free.

And i have history now with all my friends.

"Rebecca, before you go" I stand there, silent "Can Jake come to all of your classes today?"

I grown... "Yes Miss..."

Jake walks to me and links my arm to his and we walk out. I suddenly realise and turn him to the wall, pinning him there.
"What the hell do you think you are doing Transfer?" I growl.
He grins at me and turns me round so i am the one on the wall.

"Great reflexes Transfer" I snigger
"Lets just get to history" He whispers
"Yes..lets..." I reply..

He lets go of me and we don't talk the rest of the way. We go into the humanities section of the mansion/school and try to find the room on my planner. HU13.

"Very ironic that we are in Humanities 13" Jake says
"Shut it" I snap

We walk in and I see all my friends at the back, with two seats left. One next to Kayley and one next to Sophie, both next to each other.

Me and Jake walk to the back of the class and sit in those seats.

Great. We have to sit next to each other.

"Good morning...and welcome to your first class of the year"

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