Chaffs, Virgins, Teacher (Chapter 3)

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A/N: I decided to make my friends chaffs to see where the story would go...Sorry Gaab and Maddie ;w; , don't kill me (o , - o)/


Chapter 3
"Cut the crap out!" A group of girls squeal. Chaffs.
My form has all the chaffs.

"But seriously, your boyfriend broke up with you?" A blondy whispers to a girl with black hair in a bun. She suddenly got quiet "Was it because you were a virgin"

"NO IT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THA-" the girl with the bun screams. I recognise the tone.

Gabrielle Hamilton.

I reply in a stern tone

"Everyone is virgin Gabrielle, keep it together" I smirk as she stares at me with a disgusted face.

"Shut it Otaku" I hear a snappy voice tell me

The biggest chaff in the year...

Maddie Adams

I grit my teeth and look out the window. As i look out the window, i keep hearing their squeals and screams, wondering when the teacher will finally come. 9:02am I think to myself. Creak creak. An eerie noise comes from the door.

"you little brats should shut up..." A feminine voice shouts through the door.

A young looking girl with white long hair in a ponytail storms into the classroom, her huge emerald-green eyes piercing through people. Many boys in the back row put their hands to their mouths, trying to keep in fanboy screams, they probably think that she is cute.
She wears a black blazer with black trousers and a white top. On her neck, is a tattoo of a skull, many people can't see that I believe. She also wears blue high heels.

"Well then...hello class! I will be your form teacher for the rest of the year and possible next year as well!" She says in a cheery tone "My name is Miss S.Monroe"

"How old are you then Miss?" A rebellious boy in the corner asks.
"Oh you really want to know eh? Well i will tell you, I am 18" She smirks

That is when the boys hold in their fanboy screams...

"So Miss, what subjects do you teach?" I see a group of girls ask
"Mathematics, set 1" She replies

Oh god...she is my Maths teacher...

and she recognise my surprised face.

"Ah i have been wanting to meet you, Rebecca Ventica. The girl with the highest grades last year. I see that i will be teaching you this year" She has an evil look on her face but the others seem to enjoy it...

"Miss, may i do you know my name exactly? You have never taught me before and you probably only just joined this year. It seems like the teachers shouldn't splurt out information about their pupils, but if you did hear about it from other teachers..." I lean my elbows on the desk "Then butt out of their business next time, got that...Miss Monroe?"

I give a little smirk. She stands there stunned but determined...she seems that she wanted to do som-

"The otaku spoke...hehe" I hear Maddie sneer.
"Ah and Maddie Adams, i suggest not messing with your best friend's sister, she probably won't want you to mess with me, i wonder how she was a chaff" Now i can't believe that i am using my dead sister... "I just realized, are you doing another year of 10th grade? and how did Gabrielle become friends with you in like one day?"

She bolts up along with Gabrielle Hamilton. They walk over to me, not caring that the teacher is right there, looking at them.

Come on Miss do something.
Get off your lazy butt Miss.

All she does is smirk as i feel a sharp pain on my face.

Maddie Adams smacked me.

Could've said that earlier...

Gabrielle and Maddie sit down at their seats near the front, looking angry. All the other chaffs look at me as well. They all stay quiet as Miss Monroe says something shocking...

"Now today...we have a new transfer student from Sweden , now this is his first year in an actual school so be nice to hi-"

"You don't need to say that..." I hear a voice growl through the door...

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