A puppy? ~Muke~

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Luke's P.O.V 🐧

I stood in front of the semi tall building, staring at it nervously. This job is my everything I ever wanted. I took a deep breath, before entering the hospital. 

I made my way to the front desk, where a friendly looking lady, with dark skin and violet dyed hair sat.

"Uhm, Hi... I'm Luke, Luke Hemmings, the administration said, that I have to talk to someone named, Maggie Saxxton, can you tell me, where I can find her?" , I asked her, in a nervous tone.

"I'm right here hun. You're the new nurse. I'm Maggie, your supervisor, which means, if you need help, you come to me first thing. I'll show you where everything is, and then you can start your day." , she said in a friendly, soft voice. "Sorry to just throw you in the cold water, but we're short on staff."

We made our way to the locker rooms and she showed me my locker and gave me dark blue scrubs in my size and a pink stethoscope, which I looked at funny.

"Hey don't stare at it like that. When you're here for a bit longer, you'll get a different colored one. This one just shows, that you're a newbie, so the docs know." , Maggie explained and I simply nodded at that.

"You'll work in the emergency room, and your phone, will also be your pager, so make sure it's always charged and don't destroy it. We don't work with paper here anymore, so the patient files are on tablets. Radiology is on the second floor, and OR's on the third. The doc, you're signed up for, is Dr. Hood. You can find him in the ER in section two. The treatment rooms in the ER are called sections, so don't wonder." , the small woman said, whilst I was changing into the scrubs. "Have a nice first day, and don't kill anyone."

I looked at her with a mortified expression on my face and she started laughing, telling me it was the way people said good luck here. I just nodded and thanked her, before I made my way to section two, where Maggie told me would be Dr. Hood.

Once I got there, I cleared my throat, to get attention and two very good looking man in wine red scrubs and white doctor jacket thingys turned to me and looked at me.

"Excuse me, b-but I'm looking for Doctor Hood." , I stuttered out, feeling very intimidated, by the two super hot docs in front of me.

"Yea that's me, you must be Luke. Uhm, could you do me a favor and stitch my patient in section seven up, I'll need a bit longer here, but I'll talk to you as soon as possible." , he rushed out and handed me a tablet, with a patient file on it. I nodded and grabbed the device, and left the room to go to the patient. I heard a faint 'thank you' from behind me, but didn't bother to reply. I can also do that later.

As soon as I stepped into the treatment section, the room got quiet and caused me to look up from the device, where I was currently reading the file. I looked around the room and saw a little girl, around five or six years old, sitting on a hospital bed, with tears streaming down her face and an older boy around sixteen or seventeen years, sitting next to her and holding her hand.

"Hello sweetie, I'm Luke. What's your name?" , I asked the small girl in a soothing voice. She looked really scared, so I tried to do my best, to make her feel comfortable. 

"I- I'm T-Treena." , she said hiccupping. "Are y-you the doc-doctor?"

"No princess, I'm a nurse. I help the doctors, to make people healthy again. Don't worry, it's a good thing, that the doc isn't here. It means, that you don't need too much help and will be healthy really fast. I promise." , I resured.


"So, can I see your arm please. The one that hurts. I'll stitch it up real quick and then you can decide on which color your bandage will have." Treena showed me her left arm, which had a rather deep gash, with tiny glass shards in it. I put on some medical gloves and grabbed the cleaning supplies as well as a stitch set and sat on a stool next to the bed.

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