Chapter 4

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Today is the great day. Today is the day when I meet my friends after a long period of time. I think you must have already guessed it, today is the first day of school after the summer holidays. It has been exactly three months since I haven't seen my good friends: Scarlet the most intelligent one, Christina the insane one and Melody the one that has a weird sense of humour. Feeling super excited, I was bouncing my way to the bathroom for my daily routine. After half an hour, I was finally ready to go to school.


"Helloo everyone"I greeted while entering my classroom.

"Heyyy Naomi, how have you been?? It has been a long time since I last saw you. How was your holiday??"asked Melody cheerfully when she saw me.

"Heyyy Melody I'm fine you've change a lot since last time. Is it because of the new hair cut?? My holiday was fine but I have missed u all soo much"I replied referring to Melody and Scarlet who were standing infront of me.

"Helloooooooooooo friends" knowing the voice we all turned towards the door and there she was....our most insane and yet joyful friend Christina. It has been soo long since we last saw her that we were all very happy to see our friends again.

"So what interesting has happened during your holiday??"asked Christina.

"Well I went to visit my grandmother at La Reunion and we went for some sightseeing and got my hair cut.... that's all." narrated Melody.

"Well your holiday was more colourful than mine apparently" said Christina "well the most interesting thing that has happened to me during the holidays was that I got a puppy"

"Really aaaawwwww that's so nice was he cute??"I asked curiously "well he was in fact super cute" replied Christina happily.

"Well my holiday had nothing quite special and you Naomi how was your holiday??"asked Scarlet.

"Emmm how do I explain that during the holiday I got a cat as a pet then yesterday I went to my new tuition and met a boy."I replied a bit shyly

"Ohhh a boy....was he handsome and how was his personality??"asked Christina being impatient with the lack of description.

"How to say that he wasn't handsome but he was attractive and had beautiful eyes. And he is very annoying and self centered..I think" I replied sincerely.

"You think, why aren't you sure??"asked Melody in an inquisitive voice.

"Well I don't want to judge him but he seem very intelligent and arrogant at the same time." I said mostly to myself than my friends

"Well I would be really pleased to meet him the one who stole the heart of my friend. We do need to meet him, right?? What say girls?"asked Christina

"Yes of course" replied Scarlet and Melody. On the controversy I gave Christina a look and saying "No you will never see him....never"

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