2. Training

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Emilia's point of view

The next day at noon, when I had just come out the pizza place with Luke, we saw the new guy on the sidewalk across the street. He was watching us, thinking it was his favourite thing to do. We looked at each other discreetly with Luke and then, we continued on our way, as if nothing happened, but we occasionally glanced behind us to see if he was following us. Luckily, we did not see him and we entered the forest and hurried back to our hose. We put the pizzas on the kitchen table.

"Pepperoni pizza! Mike cried out."

I was startled.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweety," he said to me.

He kissed my temple and then, he opened the box and took a slice of pizza, which he put down right after.

"Why is this pizza burning?"

Robyn and Calum arrived at this moment.

"I don't know, I wasn't the one holding it," said Luke.

Everyone was looking at me, as I didn't say anything.

"It's because of the new one, isn't it?" Asked Robyn.

I sighed and nodded. I knew very well that she had read my mind.

"We saw him watching us as we came out of the pizza place... and it pisses me off that I don't know who he really is so that's why the pizza's really hot, I'm sorry..."

Michael hugged me.

"Don't worry, we'll found out who is he."

"I hope we'll soon find out..."

He was gently stroking my back.

"I'm sure we will, but for now, stop thinking about him, okay?"

I sighed and nodded. He cooled the pizza a little and then we started eating.

We were all going to practice in the afternoon. I needed to let off steam and stop thinking about that boy, who was always in my thoughts. I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted to get him out of my head. But, I didn't know why, I just couldn't.

I was a little far away from my friends, but still had them in my sights. I was trying to concentrate in order to make about tens illusions of myself appear, which I had never done before, at least not as much, when I heard noises in the bushes.

"Luke? Are you trying to scare me?"

He didn't answer and the noises continued.

"Stop it Luke, please, it's not funny."

I saw my friends coming towards me and the blond man became visible again beside them.

"What is it, Emi?" Asked Luke;

"You... weren't in the bushes invisibly?"

He was shaking his head negatively. I was about to speak when the noises intensified and then, we started to hear the crows calls. We raised our heads and then, the birds flew at us at full speed. Grunts came from the bushes and tigers appeared, moving slowly towards us. Carnivorous plants were growing extremely fast and they were uprooting, moving towards us.

"We have to split up, now!" exclaimed Calum.

We quickly nodded and we started running, slitting into three groups. Luke fund himself alone while I was with Michael and Robyn went with Calum. We ran as fast as we could between the trees, leaves and ferns. I looked behind me and tigers were chasing us. How did they get there? There can't be any tigers in this forest, so it must have been someone who brought them here. I'd send a jet of fire in their face, they'd stop chasing us so I'd stop running while Mike did the same. All we saw was my flames and we heard some tiger's growls.

"Do you think they-"

My friend didn't have time to finish his sentence as the animals jumped out the fire and came back to us as we started running again. They had nothing at all, they didn't look hurt. So, they are not tigers. It seemed quite logical because the climate here is not suitable for them.

Mike was running faster and starting to get ahead of me. Even as I called out his name, he would not look back. He did not seem to hear me because of the roars from the ferocious animals. I concentrated as I continued my run. I made some illusions appear and I ran them around. The tigers did not make any difference and each of the animals started to chase one of my illusions. I leaned against a tree a little further away to catch my breath. I gently closed my eyes, but I opened them again soon afterwards because I could hear leaves crunching under the footsteps of an animal – or a person – who was coming towards me.

It was a tiger, which apparently had not followed one of my illusions. It moved slowly forward while growling. I could not move back because I was against the tree. I started to breathe faster. I was immortal, but I was not immune to wounds and the person who has the healing power is from the Australians' clan so it would take a long time to come here.

The animal jumped up and, out of an instinct of defence, I created a shield of fire while I closed my eyes. I did not open them again until I heard the tiger fall to the ground. My shield was no longer in place and the beast rose again. It was showing its fangs as I became more and more frightened. It leaps towards me again and I put my arms in front of me, as if it would protect me when it would not, and I knew it, except that I was too scared to recreate a shield. I closed my eyes again. However, after a few seconds, I did not feel anything at all when the beast should have landed on me by now. I opened one eye and saw that it was in front of me, lying on the ground, without moving. It did not seem to be breathing.

"Are you okay?"

I froze. I did not know that voice. I looked around to see the person who had spoken to me. My gaze would stop on the new one. I opened my eyes wide and nodded gently.

"What... what did you do to the tiger?"

"I just disabled his system with water"

So it was a fake tiger, just like I thought. But how did he know it wasn't real?

"You're not normal..."

"Neither are you."

"Who are you?"

I was pulling myself out of the tree and backing up a bit. I'd stay on guard until he answered that question.

"You don't have to back down, I'm not going to do anything to you..."

"Well, we never know."

"If I really wanted to hurt you, I'd let that mechanical, bewitched tiger jump all over you."

"Besides, how do you know that? Tell me, who are you really? And why do you keep my friends and I? How did you know I was here?"

"A simple 'thank you' would have be enough..."

I heard noises that became louder and I started running towards Michael. He took me in his arms as I passed my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry, sweety, I didn't look out for you..."

"Don't worry, Mike, I'm fine."

He would lean over and whispered on my ear:

"I hope that he hasn't done anything to you..."

"No, he just subdued that tiger before it came at me."

I turned to the young man.

"Thank you," I said.

"Well, it's better late than never," he replied. "I thought you were never going to tell it to me."

I did not paid attention to his remarks.

"The next time we meet, don't forget to answer my questions."

I did not give him time to reply anything, because I took my friend's hand and walked away with him in a hurry. We backed home and stayed in the living room, waiting for the others to come home.

On The Blood {Fanfiction w/ Ashton Irwin}Where stories live. Discover now