3. Crows and angel

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Luke's point of view

I would run through the forest that I knew so well, I would run without ever stopping. I would look behind me occasionally to see if the crows were close to me or not. They were getting closer as I kept running as fast as I could to try to lose them. I tried to become invisible, but I failed several times in a row. I finally succeeded after a few attempts and I saw a 'field' of ferns. I penetrated it and crouched down while being invisible. I watched the birds continued on their way without seeing me. At least, I thought they were, until they turned around and seemed to be heading straight for me. I saw their eyes, which were an unusual colour: they were red. It meant that they were mechanized... So their creator must have programmed them to see me even though I use invisibility.

I got up and started slaloming through the trees, ferns and branches, still being chased by those stupid crows... I ran, again and again, without getting out of breath. I turned my head to see how far away the birds were while I continued my run. Suddenly, I could not feel my foot on the ground, and the second one either. I felt my body fall and the sound of a stream came to me: I had just reached the great cliff that separated the forest into two parts.

I was so frightened that I could not create a gigantic breath of air that could get me back on the land. I looked at the water, which I was getting closer to before I closed my eyes. Of course, I was immortal, but I would hurt myself when I land in the water where there are rocks and boulders at the bottom in some places. The fall seemed to be interminable.

All of sudden I felt an immense pain in my back, which made me let out a scream. It was really horrible. I felt like I was being stabbed in the back. I opened my eyes and saw white feathers on each side of my body. It looked like... wings... like the wings of an angel. What was happening was strange. Especially since the water was only a few meters away from me. My breathing was accelerating. I started to be more panicked. I had to react quickly.

I had to use my wings, which did not appear there by chance, except that I did not know how to do it. Well, it should not be that complicated... I managed to make my wings flap when I was about three feet from the water. I was going along the current and then quickly made my way back to land. The crows were still there, flying in circles, waiting for me to come to them. When I was level with them, they flew straight towards me at full speed. I automatically folded my wings around me to form a shield. I could see through my feathers that a white light was spreading; I deduce that I was the one who started it.

A few moments later, I heard no more noises except the one of the stream. I gently unfolded my wings and discovered with surprise that the birds were no longer in front of me. I looked around and saw small black masses falling into the water. I had managed to kill those stupid mechanized birds. All thanks to these wings, which appeared by magic... I really need to tell the others. I flew over the forest to go home. At least, it would allow me to get used to the strange transformation I had undergone. I landed in the driveway, just as Calum and Robyn arrived. They looked at me, puzzled.

"Those are... wings you have here?" the girl asked me.

I nodded gently. I made them disappear and then I spoke before she said anything else.

"I will tell you all about it inside."

They nodded and we found Michael and Emi in the living room.

"Is everyone okay? No one got hurt?" Asked Mike.

"No, don't worry, we're fine," I replied. "But I almost got hurt."

I saw Emi widening her eyes.

"What?! What happened to you?" she asked, a little distraught.

I started to tell everything: the crows with their red eyes, the 'field' of ferns, the long run in the forest, the cliff and then, the appearance of my wings, the destruction of the birds when I made the shield or the strange white light. They remained silent during the whole time of my explanation and listened to me attentively.

"And it was obvious that Hilyan didn't tell us anything about transformation from the beginning," said Calum, looking up at the sky after I finished my story.

I sighed.

"And it only happened to Luke for now, but it could happen to all of us," Michael intervened.

"Or maybe it's specific to the one who possesses the air power," said Robyn.

"But it's also possible that we all turn into 'angels' after a particular act," Emi added.

"Or perhaps, everyone will have their own transformation," I say. "And it won't necessarily be in 'angels'."

"This is getting weirder every day," Calum said.

I nodded.

"You think we should tell the others clans?" I asked. "Maybe those who have the same powers as me have suffered the same thing."

"Yes, it is indeed possible, but I don't know If we should talk to the about it now," Michael replied. "In any case, we will have a conference with them the day after tomorrow to discuss the progress of learning and the mastery of our second powers so we can talk to them."

I was nodding.

"Anyway, anything happen on your end? Who was attacked by what?" I asked them.

"We got the plants and the bugs with Rob," Calum says. "However, there was nothing special, apart from the fact that they weren't real and I destroyed them with water."

"We got the tigers," said Emi. "I did not run fast enough and I lost sight of Michael for a while. I tried to kill them with fire, but they did not get anything and then I kept them busy with my illusions except that one followed me. He attacked me the first time and I managed to make a shield, but the second time, it was the new guy who destroyed his system with water..."

"What?! Him again!" Robyn exclaimed. "I am telling you, if he hurt you, I'm going after him!"

"No, Ro! He did not do anything to me!"

"Fortunately!" Answered the brunette. "However, how did he know it was a mechanical tiger?

"I do not know about that. I asked him the question but he did not answer me. Anyway, I told him that the next time we see him he would have to answer the questions I asked him."

The girl sighed.

"Wait, Lili, you said he disabled his system with water, right?"

"Uh, yeah, that's right."

Michael frowned.

"What's your theory, Luke?" he asked me.

I lowered my head.

"I'm sorry, Emi, but you won't like it..."

"Oh no..."

I sighed.

"I think... this boy may be the last member of our clan."

The girl got up quickly and rushed up to her room. I fell on the chair and took my head in my hands.

"I was sure it would happened... I should never have said that... It was stupid..."

Michael approached me and gently rubbed my back.

"Don't say that Lukey... Your theory isn't unrealistic... and don't worry about Emi, she'll get over it..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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