Ayyyyy chapter 2 UwU :P

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*ducks behind desk and chair as rocks and tomatoes are thrown at me*

Okay I know I haven't updated in a while I'm sorry but you'll like this next chapter

I went to school and went to homeroom. Everyone looked at me like I was mentally ill. Oh right I'm the only one dressed in all black. The teacher had me introduce myself.

"Hi I'm Noah." I said. I had to sit next to preppy girls and they were laughing at me.

I went into the hallway and got shoved into a locker.

"Ow! Hey what was that for!"

"Emo tranny faggot dyke trap!" A familiar voice yelled. Ugh Sarah went here. Awww fudge.

I got out of the locker and went to my science class. An announcement came on.

"There's a shooter in the school, everyone hide."

I shrieked and texted mcr that I loved them. We hid under tables and then someone walked in. I managed not to scream again. I suddenly heard a shot and I fell to the ground. Everything went dark.

UwU cliffhanger

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