Chapter 12

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The plan is to reason with Tony. Tell him that Bucky and Y/N had nothing to do with the Vienna bombing and get them cleared. I also had to stop the other super soldiers from becoming potential weapons, so I needed to go to Siberia with Bucky. It was the only way to figure out how to stop this, and maybe get some memories back for Bucky as well. I also had to tell Tony everything that I know about Y/N and that we need to help her before someone else could get to her. I ran out onto the empty airport with Y/N and right before we could get to the chopper we had lined up, I saw something shoot onto it and it started sparking. I saw Tony and Rhodes fly down in front of me.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport, don't ya think?" Tony said.

"Definitely weird." Rhodes agreed.

"Here me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist.. he's behind all of this." I told him. Suddenly, I saw T'challa jump out from behind me.

"Captain." he said.

"Your highness." I smiled. Once he landed, Y/N grabbed my arm, clearly scared.

"I apologize for our first introduction, Miss Y/L/N. I was not after you." T'challa said to her, Y/N nodded in response, not knowing what to say.

"Anyway, Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Tony asked.

"You're after the wrong guy." I told him.

"Your judgement is askew...your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday-"

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctors find them first Tony. I cant."

"Bucky didn't kill anyone." Y/N said sternly.

"Were you there?" Tony asked her.

"Steve.." I heard. I turned around and saw Natasha behind me.

"You know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?" she asked. I knew I had to tell him everything, but he won't believe me. He's not believing me now. I had to get Y/N to tell him.

"Alright..I've run out of patience...UNDEROOS!" Tony yelled. Just then, my hands got wrapped up in this weird material and my shield got stolen. I then saw this kid with a red and blue suit on land in front of me with my shield. Once I heard him talk to Tony, I could tell he actually was a kid. He went by Spiderman.

"You've been busy." I said.

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint, rescuing Wanda from a place she didn't even want to leave. Now you've got a potential criminal on your side too?" Tony said.

"Y/N had nothing to do with the bombing Tony."

"Then why was she with Barnes? Why would she run if she wasn't guilty?"

"Because I was scared! I'm pregnant and the only guy I know is being attacked by all sides. Where else was I going to go? I had no choice."

"You had a choice to stay."

"Tony.." I warned him.

"I'm trying to keep-...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." He said.

"You did that when you signed." I said.

"Alright we're done...You're gonna turn Barnes over and come with us NOW because it's US!.....c'mon." He said.

"Tell him..." I whispered to Y/N.

"What's there to tell? He won't believe me." She said.

"Tell me what?" Tony asked. Y/N sighed and then looked over to Tony.

"Bucky and I were together at the time of the bombing-"

"I don't wanna hear any intimate details." Tony said, disgusted.

"That's not-....I was making breakfast and Bucky went out to the market to get more fruit. He raced home when he saw the front page of the paper. He couldn't have done it; he would have never had time to plan this, let alone do it. We have been together every day for the past 4 months. I would have seen or heard something about this bombing." Y/N admitted.

"She's covering for him." Tony simply said.

"I'm gonna kill him." we heard Bucky say over our earpieces

"I'm not." I said, taking a step forward.

"Even if I did believe you, a case of he said she said never works. We have his picture; that's more convincing. Just come with us."

"We found it." Sam said through the ear piece.

"The quinjet is in hanger 5, north runway." he stated.

I lifted my hands Clint shot an arrow right through, separating the spider webs. Just then, Scott leaped off my shield and returned to full size right next to me, handing me my shield. Tony had his eyes set on Wanda and took off. Rhodes then found Sam and Bucky.

"I have to get to Bucky." Y/N told him.

"Go, run." I told her and she took off.

"Barnes is mine!" T'challa yelled and tried to catch Y/N.


I took off to find Bucky with T'challa right behind me. Steve threw his shield at him and grabbed him as I kept going. I ran through the terminal and found Sam and Bucky running.

"HEY!" I yelled, making them turn around. Bucky ran back to me as Sam was the lookout.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine I just feel hot." I said, catching my breath.

"We have to go!" Sam yelled.

"C'mon." Bucky said. I ran with them, then something jumped on the window next to us.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky yelled.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Sam grunted. Suddenly, the window broke and the guy in the spider suit kicked over me and Sam, sending us flying.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I wasn't aiming for you! I'd never hurt a pregnant woman I'm sorry-" He apologized. Just then, Bucky went in for a punch but the kid blocked it.

"You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" he exclaimed. As he wasn't looking I ran and kicked one of his legs out from under him and then Sam grabbed him from behind and flew off with him. Bucky grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"You have the right to remain silent!" we heard the kid yell.

"He can't be older than 15." I told Bucky.

"Did that make it wrong of me to nearly knock him out?" Bucky asked.

"Nah you're good." I said, both of us still trying to catch our breath. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"C'mon we gotta go." Bucky said. 

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