Chapter 13

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We looked out the window and we saw everything exploding. Y/N ran to the window and saw Tony trying to get Wanda and Clint.

"Y/N we-"
"Why is Tony doing this?" She asked.

"Because he's an asshole. We gotta keep going." I said. She stayed at the window and I could see her getting mad. Like, very angry. I went to grab her hand but I pulled away. Her hands were bright red with glowing white veins on them.

"Y/N..." I said, hesitantly.

"I know I know.." She said.

"No, your hands." I said, making her look at them.

"What the hell?" She said, before they started fading away. She looked back up at me confused. We then heard a loud crash and started running to Sam.


We caught up to Sam and saw him shooting at the kid.

"Watch out." I heard. I turned and I saw Bucky holding a huge sign and then he threw it at the kid, up on a banister.

"Jesus..." I whispered to myself. He grabbed my hand and held me against him behind a pillar.

"Impressed?" Bucky smirked.

"Eh." I teased, then laughing.

"Hey buddy I think you lost this!" We heard the kid yell. Bucky peered out from the pillar and then grabbed me and ducked down as the sign came flying back at us.

"What the fuck is this kid eating?" Bucky asked. Both of us were surprised and very confused about his strength. We then saw Sam and the kid fighting again and then Sam crash through a kiosk. The kid then shot spiderwebs at him and Sam got stuck to a railing.

"Those wings made out of carbon fiber?" He asked.

"This stuff comin' out of you?" Sam said.

"That explains the rigidity flexibility ratio which, I gotta say that's awesome!"

"I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talking." Sam told him.

"Who are you?" I yelled, running over to sam.

"Hi, I'm peter! I mean- no! I-I'm Spiderman. Hey ma'am I'm really sorry about earlier I didn't mean to-" He said.

"I know." I said.

"Are you with the big guy?" He asked.

"Hey kid! We're supposed to be fighting here." Sam spoke up.

"Alright sorry, my bad." He said before swinging at Sam and I. As he came down, Bucky ran out in front of us, grabbing me and then shielding Sam as we were thrown back onto the floor below. Sam's arms were covered in webs, Peter shot Bucky's metal arm to keep it down and then my top half landed on top of Bucky so Peter shot my feet.

"Guys look I'd love to keep this up but I only have one job here today and I gotta to impress Mr. Stark so, I'm really sorry." he said before pointing his web shooter at us. We then saw Sam's little red wing come out of nowhere and cling onto peter, sending him out the window.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Bucky asked Sam.

"I hate you." Sam replied. After laying there for a few more seconds to catch out breath, Sam sliced the webs off of him and Bucky ripped his arm off the floor. Bucky then tore off my webs and helped me up.

"We gotta get outside." Sam said, before we all took off running again. We ran out to see Clint and Wanda running, joined by Scott. We ran over to them just as Steve joined.
"C'mon!" He yelled. We ran towards the quinjet but then this laser type thing came down and cut the ground in front of us, stopping us in our tracks.

"Captain Rogers! I know you believe what you're doing is right. But, for the collective good, you must surrender now." He said, getting our attention.

"Who the hell is that?" I whispered to Bucky.

"I have no clue." He said. Then, T'challa, Tony, Natasha, the kid and Rhodes all lined up in front of us.

"What do we do Cap?" Sam asked.

"We fight." Steve replied. We all then started walking towards them.

"Y/N." Wanda said, getting my attention. She looked at me like I should know what she's going to say, but I didn't.

"You can do this." She told me.

"What? What can I do?" I asked her.

"Stay back, until you feel ready to fight." Bucky told me. My heart was beating louder and faster than it ever has before. I looked down at my hands and they were red again, the white veins were slowly growing onto my hands, coming from my palms. The other team started to pick up pace and run towards us. Everyone started running at each other. I listened to Bucky and stayed out of the way. I ran to where a bunch of crates were and stayed behind them, watching. Bucky fought T'challa, Sam got Rhodes and everyone was just letting loose on each other. Just yesterday I was baking pancakes and now I'm fighting with the avengers,

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