Chapter 6

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Revenge (noun)

1. action taken in return for an injury or offense.


How did she do that?

How did she calm me down so fast?

This was not good... the effect she had on me was not good at all.

Raven had clasped her hand around mine and led me through the corridors and into a small room with a chair behind the desk. I'm assuming this was the principal's office. We both sat down on a chair. A few minutes later a petite man came through the door and gasped when he saw us.

He had sat down and was glancing nervously at the both of us.

"Good afternoon, Ms Vincenia and Mr..."

"Ricci, and it's Mrs Ricci too." I'm caught by surprise. Why is this woman pretending to be my wife?!

"We have come to talk about my sister in law's justice. I would like to know what action is being taken for this... boy." The look Raven was giving could've sliced his throat with how deadly it was.

"Well, we," He clears his throat, "we thought it would be best to let it slide, Mr Harris is one of our top students, behind Theodore." Raven places her hand on my thigh.

"My husband and I, do not give a shit whatsoever if he's your 'top student'. You must be ashamed of the behaviour you're letting into the school. I'm truly appalled." The principal had started to sweat profusely.

"We just tho-"

"Don't you dare 'we just thought' Me. Do you understand? I want Mr Harris to receive the punishment he deserves. If I so more than HEAR, that my sister in law is touched again, I will be coming back." The principal nods.

"Of course Mrs Ricci. I'll notify the parents." Raven raises her head in satisfaction.

"As for Theod-" The look he received from Raven caused him to shut up.

Raven turns to face me, "let's go pick up the kids, mi amore," I nod and we leave.

"Wife?" Raven giggles like a little girl who just got chocolate.

"I thought it was fitting. It makes us look stronger together." I smile. She has no idea how much I would love that.


"RAVI!!!" Marcella and Rocco squeal when they see her.

"Mes Mignonnes! (French: My cuties!)" They tackle Raven to the ground all of them giggling. Raven whispers in their ear. They look up to me and start running towards me.

"Estúpida Azada! (Spanish: stupid hoe)" they say as they start to climb me. I glare at Raven, who is struggling to breathe from laughing to much. The sound is quite beautiful and carefree. I pick Marcella up and put her on my shoulders. Rocco runs back to Raven, saying he wants to fly too.

Once they're both "flying" we start to walk. Through the school grounds.

But fucking alas, our belated happiness comes to a shortstop when gunshots explode throughout the school. Screaming erupts everywhere. Raven looks at me, and without hesitating places Rocco onto the ground. We run to the car and place both kids inside.

"Marci and Rocki, stay in here, Ok? Ravi will come back in a few seconds." She shuts the door and locks it for safer measures. Two men in black suits start running towards us shouting in Russian.

Raven grabs out a knife and gun from her thigh strap. I pull out my gun from my hip holster. The men both start shooting at us. Not even one bullet, hits me or Raven. Fucking idiots, do they even know how to aim?

Raven throws her knife with great precision hitting him in between the eyes. What the fuck?!

"Where did you learn how to do that?!" I ask incredulously. Raven laughs.

"Mafia, bitch." Fuck I should've known.

I shoot the other guy between the eyes as well. Raven then cautiously walks over to the men, when she sees that they're definitely dead. She crouches and starts to look through their jackets. She looks back up at me, "Russians," uh obviously...

I take my phone out and dial Carina's number.

"Christi?" Carina sounds worried.

"Carina stick close to Theo, the Russians are nearby,"

"Ok, Christi. I have my knife."

"Carina, you brought a knife to school?" Carina giggles.

"Of course Christi. Theo stop it," More giggles, "I'll call you later Christi, Theo shhh, byeeee,"

"Cari-" She hung up on me... she fucking hung up on me. Raven smirks noticing my anger.

"I guess, Carina likes Theo more than you," I roll my eyes unamused.


"MUM? DAD? WE"RE HOME," Carina walks into the kitchen. I hear voices whispering in the office, except there were three or four voices. Hm, that's strange, they didn't tell me people were coming.

I walk up the stairs towards the office and push the door open. What the fuck?

"Raven? What the fuck are you doing here?" Raven rolls her eyes and looks up at presumably her dad.

"Father, why don't you explain the situation." She crosses her arms and sits back. Her dad looks nervously at me.

"Mum? Dad? What THE FUCK is going ON!" Everyone stays quiet for a few moments. Finally Raven rolls her eyes.

"We're adopting a child together Christian,"


"Haha, that's a good fucking joke," Raven rolls her eyes again, "I swear if you keep rolling your eyes I will pluck them out!"

Raven stands up and pulls a knife out. She throws it barely missing my ear and hitting the wall behind me. The room gasps, as she sits back down.

"WAIT HOW THE FUCK ARE WE ADOPTING A CHILD?" Did she hypnotise me into signing the papers? "I haven't even signed anything though," Everyone starts laughing, "This isn't fucking funny!"

My mother finally speaks up, "Honey, when other mafia's find out you and Raven are adopting together, and they see how happy you are, they'll offer protection against the Russians in return for an alliance,"

"Or they'll put a bounty on my head too," all heads turn at Raven, and she puts her hands up in surrender.

"So when the fuck are we going child shopping," my parents look at each other disgusted by my choice of words.

"2 days,"

"I can't wait sweetie," I say to Raven trying to hold my laughter in, she flips me off.

"So... does Enzo and Carina know?" Two people behind us scoff.

"Fuck yeah, we do," Enzo says.

"OMG, can I be the godmother Raven!?" Raven stares dumbfounded, "Ok I'll take that as a yes,"

"People are going to be suspicious," the excitement is cut short because of Raven, "We're not even married." Our parents' face light up with the new idea. "OH FUCK NO!" Raven screams.

"Raven honey, we're getting married," I smirk but then it dawns on me that I'm the fucking groom, "WAIT WHAT, I DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED!"


I'm fucking screwed.


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter, because that was definitely a plot twist!

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