Chapter 25

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Conjunction (noun)

1. the temporal property of two things happening at the same time.


Raven was driving us home because I was just a little teeny bit sloshed.

Ok more like a big sloshed.

"Did I tell you how gorgeous you look tonight mi amore?" My words slur together.

"You're drunk," She says smirking. I close my eyes.

"Maybe a little," I reopen them and put my thumb and pointer finger together, "but seriously. I wasn't really that excited to get married to you. But now," I put my chin on my hand and stare lovingly at Raven's beautiful face. Her cheeks were a little flushed but that just added to her complexion, "Now, I'm super duper excited,"

Drunk words are sober thoughts, am I right bitch?

My eyes close, and I descend into a deep slumber.



I swing Christian over my shoulder and walk into the house and lie him down on the couch.

I go back into the garage and open Luna-Pheonix's door and pick her up so her legs are around my waist and head hanging over my shoulder. I walk into the house and up to Pheonix's room.

I gently place her onto the bed, that dress is going to be uncomfortable to sleep in... I unfold a blanket and pull it over Pheonix's petite body. My body bends downwards as I brush my lips against her forehead.

"Goodnight amore," I whisper softly and tiptoe towards the door.

"Goodnight mummy," it's barely even a whisper, but I heard it. It sounds slightly off but has the foundations of the words there. I guess that's what happens when you haven't talked for years.

I have to clamp my hand over my mouth so I don't scream in delight. I fly over the steps and run over to the couch where I left Christian.

"Chrisitan wake the fuck up!" I shake him by the shoulders but he doesn't respond. I walk over to the kitchen and fill a glass of water up.

Splash bitch.

Christian abruptly sits up spitting and gasping, "Raven, what th- fu-?"

"Luna-Phoenix spoke to me!" Those four words brought Christian back to a sober state.

"Why wasn't it me?!" He whines while I roll my eyes.

"She spoke. That's what's important not who to," my hand collides against the back of his head.


"Come on let's sleep," I drag Christian by the arms.

"Can you dress me, baby?" I shake my head, "Please?" He's pouting his lip trying to look cute, but not succeeding. Ok, maybe a little.

"Fine. But you owe me four doughnuts," Christian nods excitedly.

What have I gotten myself into?


I untie his shoelaces and pull his shoes off. I check them over to the side of the bed and then move onto his shirt. My hands unbutton it, and I pull it off him. Christian started to snore.

I undo his belt and pull it through the loops of his pants, and then pull his pants down too. I walk over to the closet and pull out his batman pyjama pants.

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