Chapter 7

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No (adverb)

3. used to express refusal or denial or disagreement etc or especially to emphasize a negative statement


Why me? Why fucking me? This stupid "child" will ruin my reputation. I'm a bad bitch, and bad bitches don't have children. Actually that's kind of a lie. Cue in Angelina Jolie, the Queen.

"Wait why her?" I was honestly so fucking sick of Christian's whining that I was about to slit his fucking throat.

"Christian honey, it's because you guys were seen together rescuing Carina and taking everyone to school and being intimate. And then you were spotted at the Spanish restaurant..." I almost fucking gag. Mrs Ricci really is the sweetest woman, and I have no idea how she's put up with the fucker all her life.

"We were just eating though... and dancing,"

"Christian can you shut. The. Fuck. Up?" I say in a very threatening voice. "Don't make me throw Angelica again," He looks shook.

"What psycho names their fucking knife?!" I laugh maniacally.

"Your fiancee, mi amore," all the while both families are looking at us.

"I'll kill you before you can blink," what a pathetic comeback.

"I'll cut your non-existent balls off before you can even say goodbye to them," At this, he grabs his balls defensively,

"How could even think about hurting Greg and Harley?"

"What kind of psycho names their fucking balls?!" I say mimicking his voice.

"ENOUGH BITCHES!" I look over to Mr Ricci, surprised by his sudden outburst, "Tonight you son, will be proposing, UNDER-FUCKING-STOOD,"

"Yessir," Christian and I both say.

Fuck, I'm getting married. How fucking cliche is this?!

Oh double fuck, I'm having a child.

Oh triple fuck, It's not even mine.

Oh, quadruple fuck, it's with that idioto.

"Oh and you guys will be buying a house together,"

Quintuple fuck. Now this is just ridiculous.


The silence in the car is deafening.

"Are you mad, Raven?" My father asks.

"No, I understand your position. Just why the fuck does it have to be with him?"

"Ah, I see you have history?" More like me saving his fucking life. Which I'm starting to fucking regret now.

"Yeah but not the type you think," he just nods his head. I mean at least he isn't some spineless, creepy mother fucker, right? It could be worse. And at least if he does turn out to be a spineless creepy mother fucker, I can kill him this time.

"Does mother know about this?" Hopefully, she doesn't, so then she can kick father's ass.

"It was actually her idea,"

Well fuck.


1 day later...

1 day later

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