Chapter 3

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In the Patron Seating Area

"So Salamander, dreaming about your 'manly' Bunny Girl yet? *gihi*" Gajeel snickers.

"Shut the fuck up Metal Head! It's not fucking funny!" Natsu yells.

At that moment, a long white haired beauty walks up to their table.

"Well, well. Good evening boys." She says with an amused smile, seeing the boys antics. "My name is Mira. What can I start you off with?" she asks them.

"Just beers for the night and a round of Fireball shots to get us started, in honor of our Birthday Boy here." Gray says.

"Oh so you're the Birthday Boy." Mira says with a knowing smile. Natsu grins sheepishly and scratches the back of his head. "Laxus is getting good." Mira thinks to herself. "Yes, I think Bunny Girl would be perfect for you. In fact," she looks around at the other guys, "I think you'll all find something here tonight."

The guys stop laughing and gulp, not really knowing what to expect after that. This Mira lady had a scary aura that let them know that when she wants something, she gets it. Even if it's shipping strangers together. Natsu's jaw slightly drops and thinks to himself 'What did you guys get me into?'

On Stage

Lucy, Levy, Lissana, Juvia and Erza are on stage getting ready to perform. Lucy is standing center stage with one hand on her chest and her other arm bent back behind her head. Cana is squatting, her torso against Lucy's right leg that is in between Cana's thighs. Cana's right hand is resting on Lucy's toned stomach while Cana's left arm is wrapped around the back of Lucy's thighs, her hand holding onto her ass. Juvia is standing to Lucy's left side, her right leg positioned just behind Lucy's leg. Juvia's left arm is laying across Lucy's chest, her hand lightly grabbing her breast. Her right hand going around her back resting on Lucy's right hip.

Lissana and Levy, being the shortest, are stage right, hugging each other with their bodies and cheeks pressed against one another, faces looking towards the crowd with lidded eyes. Erza is stage left, legs spread and bent over with her elbows resting her gently on Mira's back who is on her hands and knees beneath Erza's legs.

Freed, the club's host, is on stage about to begin the night's show.

"Good Evening and Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to FairyTail, where all your wet dreams come true. Tonight's theme is Dancer's choice, so five of our lovely entertainers will be highlighting their beauty and skill tonight in their own way. To start our entertainment tonight, our staff have choreographed a brand new opening number. We do hope you enjoy. ‎Dark Écriture!" With those last two words, the lights went out in the club.

*music starts*

As the music begins, the girls start swaying their bodies to the beat of the song as the curtain begins to rise. Wolf whistles and cheers can be heard throughout the club as the girls are revealed. Cana gets behind Lucy and starts to run her hands over her stomach, arms and shoulders while Lucy arches her neck giving Cana access to bite it. Juvia then brings her mouth to an inch from Lucy's own as if to share a passionate kiss while swaying her hips against Lucy's side.

Levy and Lissana start twirling each other around and pull each other close enough for their noses to touch while Levy brings her leg up to Lisanna's hip and Lissana hooks her hand under Levy's knee.

Erza starts grinding her hips on Mira's backside. Mira then slides backwards from under Erza, stands up and smacks her ass. The girls continue to dance to their hormones out to the song, enjoying the appreciation coming from the crowd. Soon the song ends and the girls freeze at the last word of the song, panting and out of breath, the beginning moisture of sweat staring to coat their bodies, making them glisten.

The guys are at a table close to the stage (thanks to Natsu's birthday status and Mira's demon matchmaking ways) and are going wild for the girls. Natsu's fingers are in his mouth whistling. He's clapping and cheering, specifically for a certain blonde. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her. A rockin' body, curves for miles that would make a Harley-Davidson rider drool, and a chest that has definitely earned her the nickname 'Bunny Girl' from how they bounced around.

'Wow.' Is all the salmon-haired male could think to himself. His friends had caught on to his sudden change in mood and started smirking to each other. He plopped himself back down in his seat and let out a breath, speechless.

Gray threw an arm around Natsu's shoulders and says, "Still think this was a waste of time?" Natsu shrugs him off and replies "Yeah, yeah.." 'I cant wait to see her act tonight.' He thinks to himself. The girls head back stage after the curtain falls to get ready for their solo acts tonight.

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