Chapter 26

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6 months later...

It was just before sunset on the coast of Galuna Island. A pink-haired man stood on the shore, watching the waves come up to his toes. He is wearing a white linen shirt and loose khaki trousers with his hands on his pockets. His spiky hair blew in the warm breeze. He had been waiting for this day for almost a year. He was surprised he wasn't nervous. His heart was pounding in his chest but it was out of excitement, not anxiety. His friends had just joined him.

"Hey Flame Brain, you ready?" Gray called. Natsu turned and gave them his signature grin.

"Never been more ready for anything in my life!" he replied. At this point, the officiant had joined the men on the beach.

"The bride is ready, sir." He said with a soft smile. He was a short old man with extremely long sideburns, bald on the top of his head and some liver spots on his cheeks and scalp. He had an accent since he was a resident of the island, the village elder in fact. He was little eccentric but Natsu and Lucy thought it added to his charm. Gray, Gajeel, Bixlow and Jellal joined Juvia, Levy, Lissana, Erza, Wendy and Romeo further back on the beach. They were joined by the rest of the villagers to enjoy the ceremony. They separated into two small groups to create a makeshift aisle for Lucy. Tropical music began playing. Natsu smiled. Nothing had ever been done the traditional way since the day they met. The day couldn't have been any more perfect so far in his eyes.

Lucy had made her appearance at the opposite side of their friends from Natsu. Her hair was down in waves with a crown of white flowers adorning her hair. She was wearing a spandex ivory dress with thin straps and a sweetheart neckline that plunged deep between her breasts. It had an empire waist that hugged her curves perfectly and flowed out and down towards her ankles. The dress had a slit up the side of the dress that drifted towards the front and stopped mid-thigh. She was carrying a bouquet of white lilies and blue hydrangeas. She wore very simple make up, a bit of lip-gloss, some eyeliner and mascara. Her blonde hair glowed bright in the setting sun.

Natsu couldn't help the grin of pride that betrayed his lips nor the tear that escaped his eye at the sight of his beautiful bride. Lucy approached him with a huge grin, showing off her pearly whites, giggling like a schoolgirl. The village elder began the ceremony when she met Natsu at the shoreline.

"Welcome friends! We have come together to honor Natsu and Lucy and to rejoice with them as they celebrate their marriage with vows of loyalty and love. Let us open our hearts to the beauty all around us, the pristine environment of Sun, Sand and the clear turquoise waters of Galuna Island and to the sacredness of this moment, as we consider the sacrament of marriage.

Marriage is more than this celebration today, more than all the days and hours that have gone before, bringing these two people together. Marriage is all about love and acceptance, sharing, caring and devotion. It's about dependability and interdependence, in balance with equality, growth, freedom and respect. This is the sweetest of relationships, the deepest of friendships. It is woven of tenderness and romance; and of trust, respect, communication and laughter shared.

Timeless as the tropical sky above us and powerful as the seas, is the love that underpins a true marriage. Today we bear witness as Natsu and Lucy agree in love, making their sacred marriage covenant.

Natsu and Lucy, you have chosen to marry because you belong-- not to each other, but with each other. Marriage is built upon your ongoing commitment. It is making choices -- every day, for the rest of your lives. You will choose whether to be faithful, whether to be kind and patient with each other. You will choose whether to find fault or to be accepting and forgiving, whether or not to embody the beauty that is love. In the days and the years ahead, you will have to choose, again and again, whether or not to keep your love as the most important part of your lives.

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