Chapter 10

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Juvia's performance inspired by the song

I Wanna Be Bad by Willia Ford

"Alright, I'm outta here. Flame Brain, I'll see you at your place." Gray says as he starts walking away.

"Where are you going, Frosty? There's still one more act left." Natsu responds.

"I'm getting the hell out of here before I fall victim to the love bug like the rest of you ass wipes." Gray states. Natsu grabs his shoulder and says,

"You're staying."

"No, I'm not! Don't make me a part of this!" This disease is probably airborne! I've probably already been contaminated!" Gray runs in place like a cartoon. Gajeel helps Natsu sit Gray back in his seat.

"We have to wait for Jellal anyway. We all came in the same car, remember?" Bixlow reminds him.

"Oh yeah." Gray mumbles.

"Our final performance of the night, please put your hands together and give a warm welcome for our very own Rain Woman!" Freed says in a sultry voice.

The music starts and the guys turn their attention to the stage. A shy bluenette makes her way to center stage. She's wearing a light green tank top, a long dark blue skirt that went down to her ankles and blue suede wedge heels. The back stage wall is now a solid wall of mirrors.

Juvia's face is towards the floor. She starts shrugging her shoulder to the beat of the song. As her head shoots up to look towards the crowd, she now has a confident and daring look in her cerulean eyes. When the chorus starts, five other men join her on stage. Five, rather muscular, tall dark and handsome type men. Juvia starts strutting to each one, gently placing her hands on one's chest, pushing away as her wrist is grabbed and pulled into another's arms. She is picked up by the waist and turned around; the males surrounding her, hiding her from the crowd. When they collapse around her and push off the floor away from her, she is in a light blue bikini and her heels. The lights are dimmed and the strobes are flickering at just the right intervals to give Juvia's dance moves a stop motion effect.

Finally pyrotechnics go off, making a shower of sparks rain down in the background, giving Juvia a golden glow, making her blue eyes sparkle. Then a thunderclap could be heard and an actual downpour of rain made its way to Juvia (a/n: yes I know it's indoors, go with me on this; special effects can make it happen). Her body is coated in oil, making the water drops rolling down her body extremely visible. Juvia is in her element (a/n: see what I did there hee hee) on stage and just dances, running her hands through her now drenched hair, throwing herself on the floor, rolling to her back, lifting herself to a back bend and throwing her legs over her body to position herself upright once again, to throw her head and hair to the right with her arms at her sides and her hands in fists, closing out the song.

(a/n: ok so I hope you guys have an idea of what I tried to get across. If you're still not satisfied, think to the moveie Step Up with Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan and imagine their moves in her senior showcase. That's kinda what I was going for)

The curtains close on Juvia as she stood on the stage panting.

Gray sat motionless on the couch, expressionless. The guys kept trying to get his attention. Natsu was snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"Guys, I think he's broken." Natsu announces. Suddenly, Gray's hands flies to his face. His face is flushed red and he looks like he's about to explode. He pulls his hand away and notices blood falling from his nose.

"I told you I was infected! I wanted to get the fuck outta here but nooooo! Now I'm the first one dying!" Gray shouts angrily.

"Over dramatic much?" Jellal says, returning to his friends with Mira in tow. Once again, Mira is almost tackled to the ground by one of their group.

"Mira! I'm dying! Whatever you put in those drinks, I need the antidote, quick!" Gray shouts clutching at his heart. Mira smirks.

"The antidote, you say? Why, it's true loves kiss!" Mira says with a sickly sweet smile, eyes squinted. "So, you like our Rain Woman?" she asks. Gray gulps and blushes deep scarlet.

"Maybe..." he mutters. "But she didn't even look at me, like with what happened with the other guys. It would be weird to ask her out. I'm just a random guy to her." He admits sadly.

"I think you'll find Rain Woman is a bit more perceptive than you think." Mira says to him with a wink, handing him a card. Gray accepts the card with a scared expression. Sure, he had hooked up with numerous woman in his past, but he had never felt this way before. He had no idea what to do. Mira gave him a smile and walked away to help clear the tables of the retreating guests.

"Guys..." Gray starts. They all turn to look at him. "I think I'm gonna need this sleepover tonight." His friends just smirked at him. Gajeel went and paid the tab and they all walked to the parking lot to the car and drove off to Natsu's apartment, ready to decompress the night's events with video games and junk food.

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