Chapter 7

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While Natsu was being led away by Mira, the guys ordered their next round of drinks.

"So guys, how long do you think Salamander's gonna last with Bunny Girl? I got twenty bucks that says he jizzes in his pants the second she touches him." Gajeel laughs.

"I'll take that and say he sits there the whole time wondering what supposed to happen and when she's done, he'll ask her where the reports are he's supposed to sign." Gray challenges.

"That's a little harsh, Gray." Bixlow tries to defend his friend.

"All that guy does is work. He hardly hangs out with us anymore. He needs this break." Gray says. As the guys go back and forth doubting Natsu's sexual prowess, Freed comes over the loudspeakers again to announce the next act. The stage crew has, by now, removed the catwalk and the club can resume its show.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for your patience. For our next performance, please welcome our own Molotov Cocktail!" The lights dim and a white fog starts rolling across the stage. The curtain raises to reveal what looks like a high school girls bedroom. A twin bed to the side of the room, a dresser with a mirror, pictures of her favorite bands on her walls. But they weren't your typical teenage heartthrob boy band posters. They were grunge metal and punk rock bands.

Levy comes in to the 'bedroom' and is dressed in a school uniform. She is wearing a short sleeve button up collared shirt, a pale yellow sweater vest, glasses, a mini skirt, knee high socks and Oxford shoes. She is acting like she just got home from school. Gajeel starts to snicer at the supposed 'nerd'. She tosses her backpack on her bed and goes to the radio sitting on the dresser. As she 'turns on the radio' her music choice starts playing through the club. Levy starts bobbing her head and stripping her clothes off without a care in the world, as if she truly is alone in her room, dancing her heart out and letting out the frustrations of a school day.

She kicks her shoes off first, head banging to the music. Next she sits on the bed and takes off her socks. Gajeel immediately notices tattoos on her outer calves. There's a lot that he sees as she dances around her room but the two that stick out are the words 'HEAVY' on one leg and 'METAL' on the other. He was already impressed with the song choice but now he's more interested.

Levy has now taken off her sweater vest and as she does so, the motion pulls her hair away from her face and ears, revealing to Gajeel some of her many piercings (a/n: not that he knows how many she has, he's about to find out heehee) Gajeel's jaw dropped. 'Tatted and pierced?' he thinks. By this time, Levy has noticed Gajeel's intense stares and has made her way over to the boys at the end of the stage. She turns around so her back is facing them. She undoes her shirt and throws it behind her, her shirt landing on Gajeel's head and face. He yanks it off in time to see that Levy WAS NOT WEARING A BRA. She turns back around to face them and Gajeel is greeted with Levy's two latest additions to her body piercing collection. That did it. He's hard. 'Who the hell does this Shrimp Cocktail think she is?' Gajeel says to himself.

Levy smirks at him and bends over, putting one hand on her knee. Sticking her tongue out at him, she takes the index finger of her other hand and pulls on her lower eyelid, teasing him, showing him yet another one of the piercings in her collection. She chuckles at the nosebleed Gajeel now has. Levy starts strutting her way back to the 'bedroom'. She starts head banging and bouncing on her toes, enjoying one of her favorite songs. She does a pirouette and off comes her skirt as she spins, revealing a chome colored thong. Gajeel has passed out at this point. The song ends and Levy waves to the crowd with one arm behind her back and a proud smile on her face as if she wasn't wearing anything but her panties. She sips off backstage as the crowd continues their cheers.

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