Since when,
did the butterflies in my stomach
grow into canaries caged in my ribs
that can't singsince when,
did your I love yous turn bitter
like the cigarettes I sip in cold nights
waiting for my phone to ringsince when,
did we stop believing in fairy tales
because it's no longer knights in armors we need
but knights as bare as thissince when,
did 11:11s no longer made sense
because whatever the time, season, month
it's whatever we had we misssince when,
did we rip whatever armor men had
and stitched it upon our scarred skin
covering whoever we aresince when,
did we stop being children
when did we stop hoping, wishing, believing
why are we now only looking at what's afarcan't we just go back?
I'm tired of being wherever I'm stuck in right now, but we'll be okay. It shall pass.