Chapter 3

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Back in the human world Luna spent two days wandering around and about, summoning demons here and there and without any luck wasted 20-dollars worth of candies.
That evening she sat down in the praying temple, frustrated and thinking of what to do. Her grandpa then walks in on her and asked, "What are you doing here at this time of night?"
"Grandpa you were once a demon hunter, right?" Luna suddenly asked out of the blue.
"Yeah, and why do you ask?" He wandered.
"Mother was a demon hunter too, right?" Luna asked.
"Yeah, she used to work under me." Her grandpa confessed.
"Has mom ever talked about any particular demon?" Luna questioned.
"Well, she doesn't talk to me much about hunting, but there was this one demon that she really liked." Her grandpa started.
"How does he look like, has mom ever describe him to you?" Luna asked.
"She never told me if it was a he or she." Her grandpa chuckled.
Luna seems a bit disappointed, but then her grandpa said, "She talked about it once."
"The demon she described was a beautiful being. Long silver hair, golden eyes, tall, slender and powerful." Her grandpa went on.
"Your mother said that she fell in love at first sight and wishes to kill this demon but could never do it." Her grandpa chuckled.
"This demon was her friend, your mother loved this demon to her heart's content, but could never have him." Her grandpa suddenly lowers his voice.
"After marrying your father, she stopped being a demon hunter." Her grandpa suddenly confessed.
"And why is that?" Luna asked.
"To take care of you of course." He laughs.
Luna stared at him and then up at his demon hunting coat.
"Say grandpa?" She suddenly asked.
"Isn't that your demon hunting coat that can cover up human scents from demon?" She asked.
Her grandpa looks up and saw his coat and then chuckled.
"That's right, I use to wear that when I was a hunter." He laughs.
"You said that mom was a hunter, so does she also have one?" Luna questioned.
"She doe, but somehow, after the last time she went to the demon world being pregnant with you she lost that coat of hers." Grandpa explained.
"Your mother isn't someone who would lose her things so easily, but whatever the reason, demons can't use the coat, so it doesn't really matter anymore." Grandpa burst out in a loud laugh.
After that, her grandpa went back to the house and Luna sat there, staring at the coat. She listened to see if her grandpa was still outside and then she got up and took off the coat from the hanger. She ran back to the house, open the door and listen to where her grandpa was and noticed that he was in the kitchen.
"Grandpa, I'm heading to bed, no dinner tonight!" she shouted as she quickly but lightly ran up the stairs.
"Alright!" she hears her grandpa shouted from downstairs.
She entered her room and locked the door behind her. Then she ran over to her closet and opened it up, picks up her wooden sword and looked it over. Then she put on her grandpa's coat, carried her bag full of candies and opened the window. She stared down then climbed out onto the roof of the porch and hoped down. Stared off into the woods surrounding the house and then dash off, within just minutes she was in the demon world.
She looked around for a while then started down the mountain to the demon village. There she wandered around and about and then walked over to a demon standing at a stall and asked," do you know how I could get to the lord's place?"
"Oh, you mean Lord Silver? He lives farther south. Just follow this main road and you'll come across a tall gate." The demon explained.
"Thanks." Luna says as she handed over a candy to him.
"Oh my! Thank you." The demon says as he quickly gobbled up the candy in its wrapper.
Luna turned her attention towards the direction that the demon was pointing and then quickly ran off. Before long, she came face to face with a gate, a golden gate. She stared down both the side and then walked left. Wandered around and about at the wall and watched to see if there were any demons around, then without second thoughts, she climbed over the wall and landed perfectly on the other side. Good thing she took some fighting, training and hunting lessons from her grandpa or else she wouldn't even be able to lift herself over the wall.
She looks around and then spotted a window and climbed inside. In there, there were some soldiers talking to one another.
"I heard that the lord's looking for a human girl." one of them whispered.
"I heard the lord's using Lent as bait." The other whispered.
Luna tip toe passed the two of them and down the hall she dashed in light footsteps.
She suddenly came to a stop when she heard the lord speaking.
"Secure the perimeter." The lord ordered.
"Catch this human girl by all mean, I need her alive." He demanded.
Suddenly he stopped talking and smiled, "I smell a human nearby." He chuckled.
Luna jolt back and then turned around, only in front of her was the lord.
He chuckled and without thinking Luna jumped back, her emergency survival skills sets in and then she suddenly felt scared.
"Where's Lent." she managed to asked.
"Aren't you scared little girl?" The lord asked.
Luna didn't want to admit it so she remained silent.
"I'll tell you where he is if you grant me a wish." He offered.
"Don't worry, this wish can only be granted by a human so don't expect anything too demanding." The lord explained.
"Take me to him first, and then I'll hear you out!" Luna demanded.
The lord shrugged then walked pass Luna and said, "Follow me."
Luna turned around and stared at him and then he said, "Don't worry, I won't lie, just follow me."
Somehow with just that she followed him. He took her down the hall and then down a long flight of stairs and into the dungeon.
"Lent your little friend has come for you." The lord called out.
Lent got up and ran to the bars. Luna spotted him and dashed over.
"Are you alright?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm fine but why are you here, leave!" Lent shouted at her.
"No way am I Leaving you, you're coming with me!" She demanded.
Luna then turned towards the lord and said, "released him, do it now and I'll grant you that wish of yours."
The lord was a bit shock but then he smiled and with a wave of a single finger the cell door opened up and swung open.
Luna ran over to lent and began checking him out.
"You okay, are you hurt anywhere?" She asked.
"Nice to know you would actually come for us." The little demonic spirit commented.
Luna suddenly hugged him and then said, "Thanks for trying to help, here." She handed over a handful of candy to him.
"My, my this is more than what I would've expected, thanks missy." He exclaimed and then took the candies and disappeared.
The lord walked the both of them out, back up the stairs and then into his chamber.
"Now then human, grant me my wish." The lord asked.
"Name it." Luna demanded.
The lord rolled up his sleeve and there on his right hand was the restriction bracelet.
"Remove this bracelet." The lord ordered.
Luna stared at the bracelet and then suddenly said, "I can't cause I'm not the owner of that charm."
The lord stare at the bracelet and then said, "Oh well, then I guess I'll be taking your little friend their, back to the dungeon."
Luna stepped in front of Lent and then said," I won't let that happen!"
"Are you sure?" The lord commented.
"Then you'll have to repent for his sin." He tells her.
"What?!" Luna asked in shock.
Out of nowhere the lord grab hold or Luna by the arm and dragged her outside. He threw her on the ground and then chanted a spell and sent her falling down a hole. Luckily, Luna was well trained for any situation, she slowed down her falling momentum by using the wooden sword she has as a brake as she scraps it down the side of the hole. Slowly she reached the bottom and sat down then starred up.
"Bastard, let me out of this hole!" Luna shouted.
"Don't worry, Lent only has two more days of punishment, I'll let you out after that." The lord chuckled.
Luna kept shouting to get her out of the hole, but the lord ignored her.
"Luna! You okay down there?!" Lent shouted.
"Idiot, do I look okay?!" Luna shouted in anger.
She let out a few puffs and then sat there quietly. She closed her eyes and then began chanting some spells. Over and over again a spark began to elude out from the hole.

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