Chapter 6

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For the next two days she spent her time with him, they did everything together, shopping, stargazing, singing, dancing, everything friends would do together to have fun, and in the end of the day Lent was left out. She even found out that his name was Flint.
"Looks likes she's finally bored of you." The lord told Lent.
"No, she does it all the time when she's goes friend hunting." Lent tells the lord.
"Aren't you a bit jealous?" The lord asked.
"I used to feel a bit jealous about it, but after a while I got used to it." Lent chuckled.
"What do you mean you got used to it?" The lord asked.
"In the end their actually not real friends, and she'll come crying back to me about it." Lent chuckled again.
"I don't know if I should tell you this but..." The lord trails off.
"what is it?" Lent asked.
"that new friend of hers is actually a snake." He confessed.
Lent then began to panic.
"Oh no, we better find her!" He shouted.
"No wonder why it has been raining lately, that stupid snake is back!" Lent shouted.
"We need to tell Luna, immediately!" Lent ran around and about.
"It would be good to tell her, for her benefit, but what about her feelings? Wouldn't she be hurt?" The lord asked.
"Since when were you ever concern about others feelings, let's go!" Lent demanded. 
"Do you like high places, Luna?" Flint asked.
"Yeah." Luna replied.
"When I was younger I use to climb a lot of trees and spent the afternoon sleeping on them." Luna chuckled.
"Want me to build a house for you?" Flint asked.
"Would you!?" Luna asked in surprised.
"Sure I could, but you have to promise me that you would live there with me." Flint requested.
"I wish I could, but I already have a home." Luna tells him.
"Then leave your home and come live with me in your new home." He demanded.
"No way, I've got my grandpa to take care of, leaving him behind is like leaving my world behind, everything revolves around him." Luna chuckled.
"Luna!" Lent shouted from below.
"Hey!" Luna waved.
"Get down here!" Lent demanded as the lord walked up behind him.
Luna jumped down and then suddenly Lent grabbed her by the arm and said, "We need to go, now!"
"Wait, but what about my new friend?" Luna asked.
"He isn't a friend Luna, he's just using that as an excuse." Lent tells her.
"What?!" Luna questioned in shock.
"Let go of her." Flint tells Lent as he jumps in on them.
"I know what you're really after you snake!" Lent shouted.
"Snake?" Luna questioned.
"That's right Luna, this guy was just using the friend title to get close to you, his actually goal was to marry you. You see, when you asked before about why it has been damped and humid lately, it's because this guy is in town and looking for a bride again." Lent finally tells her the truth.
Luna stared at Flint as he stares at the ground.
"Is this true?" Luna asked.
Flint was quiet for a moment then he looks up at them and said, "Yes, that right."
Luna suddenly became disappointed in him and then he said, "But I really like you Luna, even though we've only spent two days together, I could tell that we get along really well, and if anything at all I want to..."
Luna interrupted him and ended the sentence," Marry me?"
Flint suddenly went quiet and then Luna said, "I would never marry you in a million year, you lied to me, how could I trust you from now on?!"
He stares at the ground feeling guilty and then he smiled and said," I knew you would say that."
Suddenly he transformed into a giant snake and charged towards Lent and Luna.The two of them jump out of the way and landed on separate sides. Flint turned his attention towards Luna and then Luna called out to Lent, which he then transformed into her armor and weapon.
Flint charged toward Luna and then she kicked him in the face and jumped out of the way.
"Flint calm down!" Luna shouted from above.
"I'm talking you with me no matter what!" Flint shouted.
"Should I step in and help?" The lord asked as he appeared beside Luna.
"Of course, you should, is that even something to asked? Can't you tell?!" Luna yelled at him.
"In exchange, promise me that you will try and remove this bracelet from my arm." The lord demanded.
"I already told you, I can't!" Luna shouted as Flint swung his tail at them and they both jump out of the way.
" Then I won't help." The lord sighed.
"Then leave, you bastard! Why are you even here?!" Luna shouted.
Suddenly Flint caught Luna by the foot and wrapped around her. Luna struggle to break free and then she said," Lent, I need you to remove yourself!"
Lent then returned back to his spirit form and then Luna fell down onto the ground as the grip on her loosened up.
"RUN!" Lent shouted as Luna got up and turned around.
She dodged just barely and then hurriedly ran off.
"Now are you going to listen to my demand?" The lord asked as he came by next to Luna.
"The snake isn't after me so no matter how annoying I get, he won't hurt me, but I'll be distracting you." The lord chuckled.
"Bastard!" Luna shouted.
Luna jumped over logs and bushes and then came face to face with a cliff, Flint showed up behind her and then say, "Don't make this difficult for the two of us, just come along nicely."
"Well Luna?" The lord spoked from a distance.
Luna glare at the both of them and then clenched her first.
"If I'm going to die, so be it!" She shouted as she turned around and jumped off.
Both the lord and Flint gasped in shock, and then Flint tried to grab her but misses by just a few inches. Lent caught up to them  just around that time and then grabbed hold of the lord and shouted," SAVE HER!"
The lord glared at him and then said, "Why should I?"
"Are you going to wait for another million years for a human to walk in here, she may be your last and only hope!" Lent grabbed his lord by the collar.
The lord pushed him off and then without thinking jumped off the cliff, after Luna.
He soared through the air like it was nothing at all and spotted Luna, swooped down and grabbed hold of her. Luna looked up and then the lord said," Stupid girl, do you have to go this far?"
He transformed into a magnificent silver fox with nine tails and then wrapped himself around Luna.
" Brace yourself." He says as the two of them then fell into the darkness.

Worldly Saint- Arc 1: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now