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Broken. He is so broken, that's all that I could see now.

For a person who dont have much, physically and emotionally, I thought that louis must have everything. He told me the other day, that they all are in a boyband together. His life must be easier, I thought. But fuck, his life is so difficult.

Harry never seemed the ditching type. My first impression for him was that he is a generous guy like louis, who sure knows how to talk to people. He was so good to me, conversing and all. But how could he? Louis deserves everything in life. Yet, the only thing he wants, he doesnt have that.

I agree it all started with that management people. Bloody management. But if harry stayed together and didnt leave, then they would have been really strong together. No management would have tore them apart.

We were just laying on the bed, shoulders attached when he agreed to tell me everything. This all made me think that how even having millions in your account, you're still not content.

"I dont know what to say."

I really mean it. I have no idea what to say to louis. This is so much for me to engulf. Louis doesn't deserve this at all, even though he keeps saying that I never deserved how I was earlier.

"Just stay with me, please."

Louis said slowly as he might break down the very moment I would say no. I turned my head to him, and he did the same. I looked into his blue eyes looking hazy, he really needs me to stay. If I make him happy, if me staying wont bring this hazy vision again, then theres no other option. I'd happily be ignored by others, just to be loved and cared by louis, if that's what he wants.

"Okay." I said gazing into his eyes. He then looked away to face the ceiling.

"Dont worry, love. We'll face this together. Just remember one thing, you are, strong as hell, brave as fuck. Yeah?" He said in a monotonous voice. It thought over it for a moment. Am I really that strong? That's what he says all the time. That I'm strong and brave.

"Strong as hell, brave as fuck." I repeated, making my eyes drift to the ceiling above us.

Strong As Hell, Brave As Fuck || L.S.Where stories live. Discover now