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Nobody's POV

Zero ran to Gadget and helped him stand.
Gadget was holding his stomach and was shaking like crazy.
"He needs to go to the hospital!"
Zero said trying to calm Gadget.
Thay all got together and Shadow teleported then to the hospital.
When thay got there were Gadget about to colaps in pain so Infinite hold him in his arms and ran into the doctor room whit Rough.
Jay hold Shiva in his arms and Shiva started whining.
"Hey mommy will get back soon okay, wanna look in some books?~"
Shiva looked up at him and nodded softly smiling.

*Whit Gadget, infinite and Rough*

Infinite laid softly Gadget on the bed and laid a blanket over his lover. "Okay Gadget I'm gonna get you some painkillers whit this nedle" Rough said as she stung the needle in Gadget's leg.
He whined a bit and hold Zero's hand tight and had tears in his eyes streaming as a water fall down his cheeks.

Zero's POV

"Honny a-are you okay?"
I asked worried and kissed his hand.
"I-I'm AAHH f-fine HHNNGG!!"

He sat a little up and looked at me softly smiling.
"I-it hurts!..."
He whined and I felt my hand almost breaking.
It hurt my heart hearing Gadget in so much pain but he needs me.
"Babe, remember when it really hurt that I did it whiteout painkillers, you can do this"
I said stroking his cheek softly smiling at him.
He smiled back and kissed me on the lips.
"Y-you always jock about that......B-but I'm n-HA! Not as strong as you..."
"Of course you are, I love you more than anything and I love our children so much" I said stroking his belly.
He screamed in pain and I looked at Rough who smiled.
"Infinite wanna see the head?"
She said smiling and I looked at Gadget who smiled.
"Go take a look~"
He smiled and I kissed him softly and walked over to Rough. I got tears in my eyes as I saw the little head and some white curls of hair.
Gadget cryd and I got back to him.
"It's beautiful, the baby is so beautiful !"
I said hogging Gadget as he pushed.
"i think it's coming now!"
Gadget cryd happy.
I hold my arm around him and hold his hand he smiled at me and pushed one more time screaming really loud and pressed his head in my chest fur and then.

Gadget's POV

I looked up at Infinite who was crying whit his hand on his mouth.
I herd the baby cry loudly and I smiled as I saw Infinite being like that.
Rough was holding the little baby in her arms and smiled down at it.
"AAAAWWW you're a reall little treasure~"
She said smiling.
"Ummm Rough? Can I have my baby or are you adopting it?"
I said joking sitting up, panting for air. She looked up and blushed.
"Sorry, but this is the cutest thing I ever seen" she said walking up to us.
She laid my baby in my arms, she congratulated us and left us alone.
I saw Infinite crying as he saw or baby in our arms.
We moved the towel to see the face and it's was beautiful. Infinite's hair, White curly hair to the cheeks and red fur as mine.
I was crying and hogd infinite as we looked at our new child who was praising its little head against my chest and was whimpering. I stroked the long hair away and kissed the littles forehead. Then it gave a sigh and felt asleep. We moved the towel to see the gender of the baby and we smiled......

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