Beautiful || Protective! Meliodas X Insecure! Reader

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Oneshot Description: 

You and the sins (Ban, Diane, King, and Meliodas) are working in the Boar Hat. You wear a different uniform than Diane and Elizabeth because you;re insecure about showing your body. 3 drunk men start messing with you and Meliodas jumps in and protects you from them

Word Count: 942 words

You were waiting tables at the Boar Hat while Meliodas was refilling drinks at the bar. Elizabeth and Diane were waiting tables too while Ban was cooking and King was helping him. You weren't a sin, but Meliodas found you wounded in the forest by Holy Knights while he was hunting. You had been working with Meliodas for about a month now. You were wearing a cute short pink and white dress because you hated showing skin to strangers.

Meliodas understood your reasoning and gave you the outfit. He respected everything about you. Meliodas watched you walk around and sighed happily.

"Oh someone's got their eyes on (y/n)." Ban chuckled.

Meliodas snapped out of his trance, "what are you talking about? I'm just looking around the place."

"Mmmmhmmm." Ban hummed, "sure you are."

"Hey I'm the owner so I'm allowed to do what I please." Meliodas smiled.

Diane walked up to the bar and grabbed some things, "hey Captain, why is it that (y/n) wears a different uniform than me and Elizabeth?"

"All I'm gonna say is that I respect her wishes and requests. She's been nothing but amazing ever since I saved her from the Holy Knights." He explained.

King's eyes widened as he looked at you, "uh guys? Whatever the reason is that she wears that dress, it's giving those guys the wrong message."

"What?" Meliodas questioned as he looked up at you.

You set down 3 jugs of ale for 3 men at a table, "here ya go guys."

"Thanks sweet cheeks." One of the 3 men purred.

Suddenly, he smacked your ass harshly.

"Ouch!" She yelled.

"Damn that's a find ass!" Another one of them chuckled.

"Please don't touch me." You spoke.

"Oh calm down babes." The final man slurred, "you've got hidden treasures for wearing that dress. It doesn't show any skin so you're hiding something sexy that you don't want to give away."

The first guy pulled your hair, "come on show us what hidden treasures you got!"

"Please stop!" You yelled.

The 2nd one started pulling the top of your dress but you struggled against his strength.

"Get your hands off of her." Meliodas growled.

The 3 men looked up at him while letting go of you.

"What are you going to do about it, bartender boy?" The first one questioned.

The guy was then knocked to the ground by Meliodas.

"I will beat your ass." He threatened, "now leave my tavern and don't come back."

They got up and walked out of the Boar Hat, giving Meliodas disgusting looks. Meliodas returned the look to them as he watched them leave.

"As for everyone in the Boar Hat!" He announced, "if ANY of you think it's okay to disrespect my ladies like that, I will personally kick your ass!"

"And all your scraps will be mine!" Hawk added.

"Are. We. Clear?" Meliodas asked.

"Yes sir!" Everyone answered.

Meliodas looked around but didn't see you anywhere.

"Where'd she go?" He panicked.

"She ran into the woods, Sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth answered.

You finally stopped running in the forest and sat against a tree. You felt tears soaking your cheeks.

"Why does this always happen to me?" You cried, "I hate my body. It draws the wrong attention no matter what I wear."

She then heard leaves crunch on the ground, someone was close to her.

"(Y/n)?" It was Meliodas.

You wiped your tears and looked at the ground as he sat next to you.

He placed his hand on her shoulder, "are you hurt?"

"There might me a hand mark on me." You answered, "that's about it. I'm surprised my hair stayed attached to my head."

He frowned and pulled her into his embrace and wrapped his arms around her securely.

"They won't ever hurt you again. I promise." He spoke.

"You're the only one who cares about me, Meliodas." You cried into his chest.

"Of course I do, (y/n)." He replied, "I'll always care about you. And I'll always respect you and treat you the only way you should be."

"But no matter what I wear, my body brings attention that leads to these situations. I hate my body." You said.

"I don't." Meliodas replied, "even though you don't wear revealing clothes, I think your body is beautiful."

"Really?" You asked him.

"Of course." He answered, "every outfit you wear brings out your curves and makes your eyes sparkle."

"Is that true?" She asked.

"Yeah! That long sleeve pink top and black skirt you wear just makes me melt." He explained.

Your cheeks turned dark pink, "I-I make you melt?"

Meliodas realized what he had just said and his cheeks turned red, "hehehe too much?"

You snuggled up to Meliodas, "nope. I've never had anyone melt over me."

He hugged her, "I think you're absolutely beautiful no matter what you wear. Revealing or non-revealing clothes. You're still beautiful in my eyes."

You were now the shade of a tomato, "I think you're handsome, Meliodas."

"Oh do you now?" He joked with a chuckle.

"I always have." You softly smiled.

"I look like a kid." He laughed.

You lightly punched his arm, "you do not look like a kid."

Meliodas held you as he stood up. He set you on your feet and both your eyes locked together. Both of your chest were pounding from the amount of excitement of love you felt. Meliodas leaned forward, kissing your soft rose petal lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he secured his arms around your waist.

You both pulled away for air and you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Meliodas." You spoke.

"I love you too, (y/n)." He replied, "And I promise to protect you from all harm and never leave your side."

He picked you up, spun you around, and kissed you once more.

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